
January 1st, 2006

Our humping pet Harry Petter

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Odditys, Love, Pets

Let us introduce you to one of our many PETS. This pet is a very very bad boy.

He humped Mr Lifecruisers leg one morning in the kitchen, obvious craving for some pet-thing… Luckily I heard Mr Lifecruisers scream for help and rescued him.

We suppose that it happened because he had a wild party all night long with a lot of his petbuddys, suffering from a bad hang over and - obviously - a lack of girls at the party.

There was his petbuddys, totally beaten by all the drinks, laying all over the floor, none of them were possible to talk any sense to. As usual, he only have buddys like that.

We are very concern about where he is going. *shaking our heads like every concerned parent would do*

Say Hello to Harry Petter caught at the very act:

Harry Petter caught in the very act of humping the leg

OK, it might not be the best shot we taken, but how easy is it to take the picture when Mr Lifecruiser is shaking his leg all the time to get rid of the humping pet…?

This is a very special pet and he is rather demanding, we have to watch him all the time, he is always up to something. Come to think about it, maybe he is influenced by me…? *scary thought*

Once when we were in Scotland riding The Jacobite steam train, he was totally freaking out of control. He had set in his mind to step up on the roof on the train and was humping Mr Lifecruisers leg again!

OK, Mr Lifecruiser was on his way up on the roof too, but hey, there is a difference between them. I think….

So, there was Mr Lifecruiser, hanging out of the train halfway up on the roof, Harry Petter humping his leg as hard as he could, screaming about justice and me humping (?!) Mr Lifecruisers other leg, desperate to not let him go up there!!!

Ahh, that was a sight for gods, I almost thought that they was going to make a new movie about it ;-)

Come to think about it, maybe there is a movie about it somewhere, there is a lot of people with videocameras sneaking around everywhere nowadays… Probably we are just now shown in Japan somewhere…

Of course, my only concern was that Mr Lifecruiser would fall off the train and hurt him self. I mean, if so, who would carrie all my luggage for the rest of the trips? A wife always have to think practical.

Can you please recommend any sort of retreatment for this bad behaviour from him? Ehh.. I mean them…?

The Jacobite steamtrain

 Over Glenfinnan viaduct in Scotland with the Jacobite steamtrain   The Jacobite steamtrain in Fort William, Scotland
The steeringwheels for the Jacobite steamtrain   Shadows in the water of the Jacobite steamtrain between Mallaig and Glenfinnan

Cruise list: Miss ass and Martin.

4 Responses to ' Our humping pet Harry Petter '

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  1. Martin said:

    Happy New Year to you all!!

    Nice train! my brother in-law is the engine driver for a tourist steam train in Wales, nice if you can have a hobby as your job!

    All the best

    Martin and family

    January 1st, 2006 at 8:41 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Thanks Martin m fam, we do hope it will be a humping-free year ;-)

    Yes, some people are just fortuned. Oh boy, steamtrain in Wales, that must be just unbelievable beutiful scenery too!

    January 1st, 2006 at 8:58 pm

  3. Miss ass said:

    No wonder poor baby Petter Pet was upset! He was probably hungry..and nothing left in the fridge to eat! His owner Mr and Mrs Lifecruiser are just two lazy worms!!! Sleeping and sleeping.. all day long… when they finally wakes up.. the stores are closed and …hmm.. by the way… not sure Petter Pet is a he… think it’s a she.. Petra pet…. why would he/she otherwise jump on Mr Lifecruiser…hmmmm

    January 2nd, 2006 at 1:34 pm

  4. Lifecruiser said:

    Red alert everyone! Miss ass has left her cave!

    Yes, you probably are right as always, maybe Harry Petter really is Petra Pet… Everything is like that nowadays, you never know what you will find in the trousers.

    I eat up everything in the fridge - I thought it was the meaning with all the food in there, that it shall be eaten up. I’m still eating….

    Ooooops, the lazy sleeping worms has woke up now and understand that miss ass were very disappointed to not be able to have that very intelligent and philosophic chat with me as we used to have.

    Poor one, she has to go to the library to use the computer.

    January 2nd, 2006 at 4:01 pm

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