August 28th, 2005

1 year wedding anniversery

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love

Lifecruiser wedding
to Mr and Mrs
Lifecruiser on
their 1 year
wedding anniversery.

They have promised
each other to be in
love for at least
44 years to come
- after that they will
negotiate for
another 44 years…

At that age they will probably not even remember that they have married, so they can re-marrying as many times as they like to ;-)

Cruise list: Mandy.

One Response to ' 1 year wedding anniversery '

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  1. Mandy said:

    Hello and thnx for leaving a comment on my blog. Happy Anniversary to you! it’s our 1 year anniversary on the 7th Sept.

    It’s strange that you haven’t received any comments whilst surfing BA, but to tell the truth I have never surfed onto your blog and I surf a fair amount each day. I wonder if it’s worth mentioning it to the guys at BA. Maybe you could join the forum and ask there. There are lots of helpful people and you could also ask for a review if you wanted.

    Btw, I think you have a really nice blog and I’m going to blogroll you right now :)


    August 28th, 2005 at 8:14 am

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