January 21st, 2007

The 2lip House & Ice Garden Party

Posted by Lifecruiser in Swedish, Nature, Party
Tulip House 1  Tulip House 2
Tulip House 3  Tulip House 4
♥ Join GTS ♥

“Med en enkel Tulipan uppå bemärkelsedan, vi har den äran att få gratulera!” (With a simple Tulip on the special day, we have the honor of congratulating!”)

That is the beginning of an old traditional Swedish song that is mostly forgotten by now. I’ts only persons from the stone age like me that remember it nowadays ;-)

We went especially to a newly opened Tulip House here in Stockholm Saturday afternoon to get some nice Tulips to bring to Tricias 1 year blog anniversery. There isn’t anything more promising and hope giving than Tulip bulbs. It brings memories of the spring….

I first met Tricia from one of the blogrolls I’m participating in, but the one that interests me the most is this Green Thumb Sunday blogroll which she started in June 2006.

If you haven’t been at her Garden blog As the Garden Grows yet, I recommend you to have a stroll in her garden blog. You can find a lot of very useful garden information there together with many wonderful flower and garden pictures.

She is the most friendly and sweet Canadian nurse that actually is on a sick leave and need to nurse herself :-)

In fact, she need to blog less according to herself. She is forcing herself to write too much ads-post for PPP to get in some money now when she isn’t working. She is going to swallow a camera pill next week to investigate her bowels from the inside and it’s just way too expensive!

I know from own experiences and from near and dear ones, how difficult it can be with bowel problems and diseases. If you never have experienced it - be very grateful. She has had a tough time and really is in the need of a good party.

The Party is over at Tricias Musings with the most wonderful Ice Garden and a very cool Ice Bar! Pop over and congratulate her and cheer her up with some nice birthday gifts!

♥ Join Green Thumb Sunday ♥

Cruise list: Melli, TorAa, Genie, Deb, Debbie, Dave, That frolicsome kid, Maribeth, Anita, Gattina, and Tricia.
December 15th, 2006

Crack Me Up Friday

Posted by Lifecruiser in Party
Lifecruisers Crack Me Up Party

Heartly welcome to Crack Me Up Party!

There is no rules, just vote, joke & be normal crazy :-))

Crack Me Up with hilarious storys, jokes, comments - anything crazy you can come up with! Bring all your friends, gigantical amount of yummy food, dance in the evening in your most fabulous outfit (leave a link to it in comments). Surprise me! This is all about joy and friendship!

We’ll start early to let it advance into the evening…

*BANG* The Dom Perignon is flowing!
Oh oh - giggle water warning!!!!

Crazy welcome speach:

A buffalo herd doesn’t move faster than the slowest buffalo. It’s the slowest that gets killed first when the herd is hunted. This natural selection is good for the herd, the herd will be faster and healthier through this continued elimination of the weakest members. Even the human brain can’t work faster than it’s slowest brain cells. As you know, over consumption of alcohol kills brain cells, but of course it’s the slowest and weakest brain cells that’s killed first. By consuming drinks, you can clear out the weak, slow brain cells and that makes your brain to a faster and more effective machine. That’s why we always feel so much smarter after a couple of drinks…!!!

CHEERS for YOU dear blog friends :-)

Let the cracking begin! Who wants to be first “cracker”?

OK, I’ll start with my favorite christmas cartoon:

Lifecruisers Crack Me Up Party

Totally cruel, but it really cracks me up! *giggles*


Not sure what to wear?
Crazy Hat Heaven - Be sure to scroll down and check the other pages. My favorite is the hot dog… or the jumping green frog… or the Ah, what the heck I can’t decide, the other pages just get funnier and funnier! *giggles*
Fancy dress novelty costumes
Dressing Up

Check out outfits:
Chi - She totally Crack Me Up, I just LOVE those shoes! *giggles hysterical*
Melli - Cracks Me Up and that’s no bullshit! *butt giggles*

Check out funny comics:
Chana - I’m thinking of hiring that icecream machine for the party, what do you say? *giggles x 100*
Mar from Tug - Not so much cracks but cute :-)
Gattina - Dig it, we NEED Herbert for the party! *double giggles*
Sandy - Crack Me Up with a sneeze! *giggles*
Lazy Daisy - Crack Me Up on the wall. I’m sure glad that I’m no reindeer!

Check out posts that Cracks Me Up:
Lifecruiser with My wife is picking my nose - an oldie goldie of ours!
Rennies Boy’s at play while wives are shopping - How 5 min shopping takes hours and what is he creating with that LEGO? Hm…
Irish Church Lady - You Crack Me Up x 7. Guys, what do you have to come up with to match this?

Annoying Christmas song
Crazy Fool Vibes

Check out dance styles:
Wolfbernz elfdance
The Cleaning Dance Ruler Nils - Ladies, watch out, he is a hot single!!!!

Name Frankenswein:
thebluestbutterfly have a contest to name her Frankenswein that actually is a cow??!! Poor Frankenswein…

Is this you Happy and Blue 2? It looks like your helmet… *suspicious*
OK, the monster in the toilet - Who put it there???

Have something to eat:
Chocolate brought by Wolfbernz
Appetizers that make your eyeballs roll

I can report that there wasch a heavy amount of Dom that were comschumed here this evening, scho - people just passched out, too tired after all chrischtmasch schopping and giggling on top of that… *HICK*

Any hooo, it wasch realy nische to do schomething like thisch… *HICK*

What is at the end of everything?
The Letter G as in Good night!

Help the ants to fight the elephants by support Lifecruiser in The Weblog Awards 2006!

Vote for us here
(Love support :-)

Cruise list: Aka R'acquel, Chaotic Mom, Happy and blue 2, Jane, Nils, Janice (5 Minutes for Mom), Gattina, Tricia, Walker, Carmen, Danielle, Colleen, Tammy~Kentucky Gal, Irish Church Lady, Laura, Thebluestbutterfly, Pink Chihuahua Princess, RennyBA, Wolfbernz, Robin Slick, Melli, Mar, Steve Novak, Sandy, and Mrhaney.