
If you have been following our blog, you know we have been at a blogger meetup in Mariestad with our Norwegian blogger friends the past week. Mariestad is a very nice little town at the shore of the big lake of Vänern in Sweden.

Mariestad street

Tor guided us two days and here Renny is walking ahead of us in one of Mariestad’s picturesque streets. Thank you once again Tor and Renny for hosting us in your holiday apartment and the lovely time!

Take a look at Lifecruiser Mariestad photos at Flickr.

©Lifecruiser Love Swedish Cities

Earlier Mariestad posts by Lifecruiser:

Mariestad Cathedral Photos
Last nights dinner photos
Graffiti Wake Up Girl Mariestad
Blogger Meetup Tapas Eve
Mariestad blogger meetup shopping result


One of the first thing we did notice at our sightseeing in the small city of Mariestad in Sweden, was their very big Cathedral, which is situated in the old town part at the highest point of the city and has also served as a beacon to mariners on Lake Vänern.


I really liked the interior of this Cathedral – and the lighting in it. There were an impressive organ, which we unfortunately not got to listen to. I would have loved to hear the organs sound.

Dated from the 16th century it’s an magnificent piece of architecture with Clara Church in Stockholm used as a model. The Gothic styled exterior has characteristics of a cruciform and a facade of untrimmed, chastened and irregular stones and a broken roof covered with copper.

Click to take a look at Lifecruiser Mariestad Cathedral photo slideshow.

©Lifecruiser Love Cathedral Photos


One of the main things at our blogger meetups is the dinner times together, not only to just meetup, but to share different cooking and dinner tasting opportunities with each other. Some times localities, other times just great food without any connection to our different locations.

This time we were Swedish and Norwegian bloggers meeting up and perhaps our food habits are not that far away from each other since our countries are neighbors, but still it can differ.

In the photo below there is a little starter we made for us all, our own favorite shrimp cocktail with Champagne onion and a sparkling Cremant to drink with it.


We had to make a pause between the starter and the main course though, to really enjoy the food better.

This course, Anna and Renny had been preparing for us and it were an authentic old fashioned long-cook meat dinner with wine to go with it.


Yes, it was delicious – as always!!! We’re spoiled. It’s not always you get the chance to have long-cooked meals nowadays when everything is fast food.

More photos will come. Today we left Mariestad and the others and went home again. We did get home safe and sound, the roads were excellent, dry and empty.

Next trip? Who knows, it will be a surprise – maybe even for ourselves… *giggles*

©Lifecruiser Love Blogger Meetup Dinners