Monday is not a fun day, especially not this Monday…
I’m going in to do a gastroskopi, they’re going to take a peek in the hungry monsters stomach through the throat. Who knows what they’re going to find there. Yikes.
That’s why there is no Monday Memories up, I didn’t have time to prepare it in advance or in the morning before going to the hospital at 9.30. We’ll see how I feel afterwards, maybe I’m writing one later. Who knows…
Who knows if I ever wake up again? They’re going to put me to sleep during the investigation. A light sleep. I hope. But I’ll never know if that’s the case, will I? *lol*
Hm…. I never wake up in my “normal” mornings anyway, so how can I tell a difference?
So better to say a proper Good bye to every one now, you know I love you all and you better behave yourself or I will haunt you for ever… Come to think about it, maybe I’ll haunt you anyway, just for the fun of it. *laughing my crazy laugh*
Think about it, you having an own ghost, wouldn’t that be cool?
I already look like a ghost with my now very unique hairstyle after all the hair loss, so what’s the difference?
A billion good bye hugs.
Yours sincerely Baldie Hawn
(or maybe it’s Baldie Haunt now?)
I’m back! Safe and not sound - like always with other words. I’ll haunt you anyway, see it as a bonus feature, I’m feeling generous *lol*.
They said that I was looking gorgeous down there (not THERE, down the throat you naughty one ;-), I guess they never had peeked down a hungry monster throat before
I can’t say I liked it though and it’s nothing I want to go through one more time, because it’s still very uncomfortable with that strong anaesthetic they spray down your throat that make you feel like you have a big lump there without being able to swallow. Not to mention the sore throat you end up with afterwards…
It feels like I have tonsillitis when I swallow. They wounded me - I can see it and I still feel that lump in my throat I can’t swallow, plus I’m spitting blood. But I did wake up again. That I’m very grateful for…