Comments on: Thursday Thirteen Laughs Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:09:03 +0000 by: Chi Sat, 05 Aug 2006 09:56:21 +0000 Your T-13 made me laugh this morning so I enjoyed it very much & laughter feels good! *s* Havea great weekend! <strong>Lifecruiser: Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I love to spread laughter :-) Hope your weekend is great too!!! </strong> Your T-13 made me laugh this morning so I enjoyed it very much & laughter feels good! *s* Havea great weekend!

Lifecruiser: Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it, I love to spread laughter :-) Hope your weekend is great too!!!

by: Irish Church Lady Fri, 04 Aug 2006 13:13:34 +0000 ah laughter! You're made me laugh reading it and I am laughing while writing this thinking of funny things! It seems that alot of mishaps make you laugh. You probably love America's Funniest Videos when they fall off their bikes and into trees and off docks etc. (like I do). Mel Brooks as the 1000 year old man has a good comparison between comedy and tragedy about that. I wish I could remember it! LOL. I love it when I get into a good fit of laughing but sometimes you laugh so much it hurts your stomach. LMAO sb LMSO! Also when I laugh really heartily I tend to snort which can be embarrassing but makes me laugh and snort even more. So here's something that we laughed at that just came to mind. We were at the cottage and Dad had just come down from the outhouse and gone straight down to the dock and was preparing to dive in for a swim when we all noticed some toilet paper hanging out his swim trunks and down his butt. We all laughed hysterically and so did he. We were kids at the time! <strong>Lifecruiser:ah, that's a classic one, the one with the toilet paper, how fun isn't that *lol*. That's the kind of things that makes life more worth living.</strong> ah laughter! You’re made me laugh reading it and I am laughing while writing this thinking of funny things! It seems that alot of mishaps make you laugh. You probably love America’s Funniest Videos when they fall off their bikes and into trees and off docks etc. (like I do). Mel Brooks as the 1000 year old man has a good comparison between comedy and tragedy about that. I wish I could remember it! LOL. I love it when I get into a good fit of laughing but sometimes you laugh so much it hurts your stomach. LMAO sb LMSO! Also when I laugh really heartily I tend to snort which can be embarrassing but makes me laugh and snort even more. So here’s something that we laughed at that just came to mind. We were at the cottage and Dad had just come down from the outhouse and gone straight down to the dock and was preparing to dive in for a swim when we all noticed some toilet paper hanging out his swim trunks and down his butt. We all laughed hysterically and so did he. We were kids at the time!

Lifecruiser:ah, that’s a classic one, the one with the toilet paper, how fun isn’t that *lol*. That’s the kind of things that makes life more worth living.

by: martin Fri, 04 Aug 2006 09:29:09 +0000 Welcome back me old shipmates! Hope you had a super dooper time! Love this laughter theme! SO SO FUNNY, you have made me laugh with your stories! My mouth is always full of blood at funerals etc because I have to bite my mouth to stop myself from laughing. If my sister and me are together then it is just terrible, at one funeral when we were young we sat at the back and thought we were safe from people seeing us squirm and giggle in our seats with faces as red as tomatoes as we tried to stop ourselves from laughing, it wasn’t until we left that we realised that there was a viewing gallery behind and above us with other family members looking sternly down on us. My cousins husband who looked a bit like a hippy was sitting in front of us and had sat on his glasses and broken one of the lenses, he was offering sweets around but because his vision was no impaired he was virtually pushing the sweet packet in to peoples faces, this made my sister and me giggle like mad. At my wedding I knew I would laugh, I managed to control myself until a big turnip fell off the window ledge during our wedding vows and hit my uncle on the head, it was harvest festival and the church was full of food, on our wedding video you can hear the thump and laughter. This made me laugh. The last time I had such a good tummy hurting laugh with my sister was a few years ago when we were in out late thirties, it was my dads 70th birthday and they were having a house party. In the front lounge sat about ten old people who didn’t look so happy, to cheer them up my sister and me decided to do a music display for them. I carried a little bell and my sister had a cardboard tube from an old toilet roll which she blew like a trumpet. We marched into the room in line like a couple of little soldiers swinging our legs and arms ringing the bell and blowing the trumpet making a hell of a noise. As we marched around the room in front of all the old people I noticed that not one of them was smiling but it was too late and my sister an me were committed so we carried on marching around the room getting faster and faster, louder and louder as all the old faces looked on in horror. When we left the room we laughed so much that it hurt, we had never met any of these people and I felt sorry for my Mum and Dad because these old people must have thought how childish we were, I still laugh now as I think about it now. Sorry that this is just a quick comment folks (hee hee) Glad you are back. Bye bye <strong>Lifecruiser: I almost wish I were there to see it, I mean laugh at it too!!!! Sounds like something I'd like to do too. Life is fun, we should enjoy it more, like that :-)</strong> Welcome back me old shipmates!

Hope you had a super dooper time!

Love this laughter theme! SO SO FUNNY, you have made me laugh with your stories!

My mouth is always full of blood at funerals etc because I have to bite my mouth to stop myself from laughing. If my sister and me are together then it is just terrible, at one funeral when we were young we sat at the back and thought we were safe from people seeing us squirm and giggle in our seats with faces as red as tomatoes as we tried to stop ourselves from laughing, it wasn’t until we left that we realised that there was a viewing gallery behind and above us with other family members looking sternly down on us.

My cousins husband who looked a bit like a hippy was sitting in front of us and had sat on his glasses and broken one of the lenses, he was offering sweets around but because his vision was no impaired he was virtually pushing the sweet packet in to peoples faces, this made my sister and me giggle like mad.

At my wedding I knew I would laugh, I managed to control myself until a big turnip fell off the window ledge during our wedding vows and hit my uncle on the head, it was harvest festival and the church was full of food, on our wedding video you can hear the thump and laughter. This made me laugh.

The last time I had such a good tummy hurting laugh with my sister was a few years ago when we were in out late thirties, it was my dads 70th birthday and they were having a house party.

In the front lounge sat about ten old people who didn’t look so happy, to cheer them up my sister and me decided to do a music display for them. I carried a little bell and my sister had a cardboard tube from an old toilet roll which she blew like a trumpet.

We marched into the room in line like a couple of little soldiers swinging our legs and arms ringing the bell and blowing the trumpet making a hell of a noise. As we marched around the room in front of all the old people I noticed that not one of them was smiling but it was too late and my sister an me were committed so we carried on marching around the room getting faster and faster, louder and louder as all the old faces looked on in horror.

When we left the room we laughed so much that it hurt, we had never met any of these people and I felt sorry for my Mum and Dad because these old people must have thought how childish we were, I still laugh now as I think about it now.

Sorry that this is just a quick comment folks (hee hee)

Glad you are back.

Bye bye

Lifecruiser: I almost wish I were there to see it, I mean laugh at it too!!!! Sounds like something I’d like to do too. Life is fun, we should enjoy it more, like that :-)

by: Jenny Ryan Fri, 04 Aug 2006 01:00:44 +0000 I really enjoyed your list-I can ALWAYS find a reason to laugh! Jenny, a TT newbie :) <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, welcome to the T13 Jenny and keep on laughing :-)</strong> I really enjoyed your list-I can ALWAYS find a reason to laugh! Jenny, a TT newbie :)

Lifecruiser: Well, welcome to the T13 Jenny and keep on laughing :-)

by: colleen Fri, 04 Aug 2006 00:36:11 +0000 I adore #8! I've had laughing spells in the past that almost unglued me. For some reason they tend to happen in restaurants when the waitress is trying to get orders. I try so hard to get serious but can't. I once laughed so much in a fun house that it started to be mixed with anxiety because I couldn't control myself! Have you ever read Norman Cousins book, Anataomy of an Illness? It's about curing himself form a deadly disease with humor. He found that a good belly laugh kept him free from pain for a couple of hours! <strong>Lifecruiser: Sounds hilarious, it hasn't happen with waiters yet with me, but I suspect it will now when you told me that! Yes, I've heard of that book, maybe I have to read it now :-)</strong> I adore #8! I’ve had laughing spells in the past that almost unglued me. For some reason they tend to happen in restaurants when the waitress is trying to get orders. I try so hard to get serious but can’t. I once laughed so much in a fun house that it started to be mixed with anxiety because I couldn’t control myself! Have you ever read Norman Cousins book, Anataomy of an Illness? It’s about curing himself form a deadly disease with humor. He found that a good belly laugh kept him free from pain for a couple of hours!

Lifecruiser: Sounds hilarious, it hasn’t happen with waiters yet with me, but I suspect it will now when you told me that! Yes, I’ve heard of that book, maybe I have to read it now :-)

by: Norma Fri, 04 Aug 2006 00:05:49 +0000 You must be a fun lady to hang out with! All that laughing. Thanks for visiting my TT. <strong>Lifecruiser: Either that or I'm hanging out with very fun people ;-)</strong> You must be a fun lady to hang out with! All that laughing.

Thanks for visiting my TT.

Lifecruiser: Either that or I’m hanging out with very fun people ;-)

by: wolfbernz Thu, 03 Aug 2006 23:50:11 +0000 Yes, laughter is a wonderful thing. Just when everyone thinks its time to be seious or some one is trying to be upset around comes the smile and I just can't help but to cut loose with laughter Nice TT Wolfbernz <strong>Lifecruiser: Love to hear that wolfbernz :-)</strong> Yes, laughter is a wonderful thing. Just when everyone thinks its time to be seious or some one is trying to be upset around me…here comes the smile and I just can’t help but to cut loose with laughter
Nice TT

Lifecruiser: Love to hear that wolfbernz :-)

by: nat Thu, 03 Aug 2006 22:46:19 +0000 I love to laugh, too! It seems like we both enjoy laughing at slightly inappropriate moments, too. Sometimes, it just cuts the tension. Keep on laughing, Mrs. L, and life will be so much easier to take! Smiles! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, I think I'll follow your very wise advice there *lol*</strong> I love to laugh, too! It seems like we both enjoy laughing at slightly inappropriate moments, too. Sometimes, it just cuts the tension. Keep on laughing, Mrs. L, and life will be so much easier to take! Smiles!

Lifecruiser: Yes, I think I’ll follow your very wise advice there *lol*

by: Trina Thu, 03 Aug 2006 22:01:38 +0000 #4... too funny! I can actually imagine the saddle slipping off the horse. It's good to laugh, I enjoyed your TT! Thanks for stopping by! <strong>Lifecruiser: I still laughs at that one myself :-))))))</strong> #4… too funny! I can actually imagine the saddle slipping off the horse.

It’s good to laugh, I enjoyed your TT! Thanks for stopping by!

Lifecruiser: I still laughs at that one myself :-))))))

by: Raggedy Thu, 03 Aug 2006 21:52:35 +0000 Good post! laughing is good.... My TT is up <strong>Lifecruiser: It sure is! Laugh on... :-))))</strong> Good post!
laughing is good….

My TT is up

Lifecruiser: It sure is! Laugh on… :-))))
