Comments on: Monday Memories Licorice Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:56:40 +0000 by: Mandy Wed, 21 Jun 2006 17:49:25 +0000 My stomach is churning already thinking about salt licorice.. It's ughhhh and I don't know how people eat the stuff. Actually, we have really salty licorice here.. and once hubby asked me to try one.. BARF Okay have to run to the loo now to puke LOL <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, licorice is like that, either you love it or hate it :-)</strong> My stomach is churning already thinking about salt licorice.. It’s ughhhh and I don’t know how people eat the stuff. Actually, we have really salty licorice here.. and once hubby asked me to try one.. BARF

Okay have to run to the loo now to puke LOL

Lifecruiser: Yes, licorice is like that, either you love it or hate it :-)

by: The Shrone Mon, 19 Jun 2006 17:39:43 +0000 I have determined that my family has a licorice loving gene, as I don't know very many people who like true, black licorice. In fact, my favorite flavor of ice cream is licorice (here we have the red variety which is more popular, but it isn't flavored with licorice extract). I have been known to travel a great distance just to have some black licorice ice cream. The only people I know who eat this flavor are my family members. Well, anyhow, when up in Victorica, B.C. the last time I was in one of the English candy shops, I tried the double salt licorice and about died! I love salt, but this was too salty for me! Eek! So I suppose I am too used to the Americanized version that is sweet. I have determined that my family has a licorice loving gene, as I don’t know very many people who like true, black licorice. In fact, my favorite flavor of ice cream is licorice (here we have the red variety which is more popular, but it isn’t flavored with licorice extract). I have been known to travel a great distance just to have some black licorice ice cream. The only people I know who eat this flavor are my family members.

Well, anyhow, when up in Victorica, B.C. the last time I was in one of the English candy shops, I tried the double salt licorice and about died! I love salt, but this was too salty for me! Eek! So I suppose I am too used to the Americanized version that is sweet.

by: Debbie Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:24:36 +0000 I have always enjoyed licorice. I had no idea it could be bad if eaten in large amounts! But i rarely indulge since it isn't good for my diet. Nice memory. See you when you get back! Ireland, sigh...! I have always enjoyed licorice. I had no idea it could be bad if eaten in large amounts! But i rarely indulge since it isn’t good for my diet. Nice memory. See you when you get back! Ireland, sigh…!
