Comments on: Napoleons Love Letter Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:00:18 +0000 by: Etienne Bruere Sun, 03 Sep 2006 03:11:53 +0000 The connection between Napoleon and Sweden also includes a love affair Napoleon had with Desire(acute accent on the last "e") the girl who Bernadotte married afterwards. Napoleon refers to her in his memoirs as his first love. <strong>Lifecruiser: Ah, that's true Etienne! Should have mentioned that in the post :-)</strong> The connection between Napoleon and Sweden also includes a love affair Napoleon had with Desire(acute accent on the last “e”) the girl who Bernadotte married afterwards. Napoleon refers to her in his memoirs as his first love.

Lifecruiser: Ah, that’s true Etienne! Should have mentioned that in the post :-)

by: claudie Tue, 15 Aug 2006 21:43:43 +0000 Napoleon, curious person in fact! A monster in war, a lover , but the power was an important think in his life so important that poor Josephine could go away! I think french kiss is a good think too : you kiss your friends, your cats, dogs and even your pictures when you see your love on it! kisses! Claudie <strong>Lifecruiser: I think Napoleon had his prioritys set wrong. Maybe he never experienced love at all. Maybe he was not capable of loving. Who knows... </strong> Napoleon, curious person in fact! A monster in war, a lover , but the power was an important think in his life so important that poor Josephine could go away!
I think french kiss is a good think too : you kiss your friends, your cats, dogs and even your pictures when you see your love on it!

Lifecruiser: I think Napoleon had his prioritys set wrong. Maybe he never experienced love at all. Maybe he was not capable of loving. Who knows…

by: Lifecruiser Sun, 14 May 2006 00:44:24 +0000 I love that answer even if you don't ;-) I love that answer even if you don’t ;-)

by: martin Wed, 10 May 2006 22:58:40 +0000 Such wonderful words! The only letters I get from the wife are "Your dinner's in the oven, gone to play darts, do not foget to clear up the dogs poo in the garden" How romantic! Such wonderful words! The only letters I get from the wife are “Your dinner’s in the oven, gone to play darts, do not foget to clear up the dogs poo in the garden”

How romantic!
