Join our deckroll

Wanna come aboard our cyber cruise too?

Step 1: Everybody has to start in the A-Swab Team first to be guaranteed a bed in a berth on the ship. Link to us directly (not only in a meme blogroll).

Step 2: Tell us about it: lifecruiserteam at gmail dot com. Be crazy and we’d love to have you with us :-)

There will be first class tickets on the cruise for the A-Team Cruisers, plus some other advantages, but the A-Swab Team will still have a funny and comfortable trip with us.

Wanna be an A-Team Cruiser? Visit us, comment, write posts about our events, make an application in the next admission round!

Read more about our Cruiser Grades here.

Get the Lifecruiser blogroll code (No arm-twisting ;-).

We’d love to have you with us :-)

♥ Click here to Deckroll only ♥

Send us a nice email about you:
lifecruiserteam at gmail dot com


** Lifecruiser Ship with all information
* Lifecruiser A-Team Cruisers