Comments on: Peek down my throat Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:56:24 +0000 by: martin Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:43:55 +0000 Glad you made it back to the land of the living in one piece, hope your results of the test are good, sounds rather painful to me! looking forward to seeing you both for the pic nic! <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, it is. Never mind, life goes on! Are you sure it's us and not the Dom Perignon we're bringing that attracts you ? *lol* It will be a hell of a pic nic though!</strong> Glad you made it back to the land of the living in one piece, hope your results of the test are good, sounds rather painful to me!

looking forward to seeing you both for the pic nic!

Lifecruiser: Well, it is. Never mind, life goes on! Are you sure it’s us and not the Dom Perignon we’re bringing that attracts you ? *lol* It will be a hell of a pic nic though!

by: Chi Mon, 12 Jun 2006 20:49:22 +0000 Oh, I am so glad that the surgery went well & that everything turned out just fine! *s* <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks for your concern. I will continue to haunt you too ;-)</strong> Oh, I am so glad that the surgery went well & that everything turned out just fine! *s*

Lifecruiser: Thanks for your concern. I will continue to haunt you too ;-)

by: Mysterious Lady Mon, 12 Jun 2006 17:26:02 +0000 Glad to hear you made it through in one piece! <strong>Lifecruiser: Me too :-)</strong> Glad to hear you made it through in one piece!

Lifecruiser: Me too :-)

by: viamarie Mon, 12 Jun 2006 06:17:48 +0000 Will be praying for a very healthy outcome. God Bless! <strong>Lifecruiser: Thank you :-)</strong> Will be praying for a very healthy outcome.

God Bless!

Lifecruiser: Thank you :-)

by: Kelly Mon, 12 Jun 2006 00:37:03 +0000 Good luck and keep us posted on the investigation! lol <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks, it's needed. I will, if I wake up again... *lol*</strong> Good luck and keep us posted on the investigation! lol

Lifecruiser: Thanks, it’s needed. I will, if I wake up again… *lol*
