2010 we’re getting series of very persisting emails from a startup in Sweden asking them to write about their launch. The startup site is - a burning hot new travel social network.

We got a press release about this highly interesting new social network - not only of interest for us traveler freaks, but also for more occasional travelers.

TechCrunch answer to the emails:

“TechCrunch was a site built on giving exposure to persistent, gutsy entrepreneurs building things because they wanted them to exist in the world and the series of very persistent pitches from Peter Sullivan of Vacation Relation epitomized that. So I did one better than a post and invited Sullivan on TechCrunchTV to talk about his company. Running on fumes from three days coding and no sleep, he didn’t disappoint”.

TechCrunchs full article: Calling all suckers for hot woman on bicycles TCTV.

Yes, the title is in some way misleading, but still quite funny - if you have some humor - which I know that our regular readers do have!

Seriously: Ever wanted to find other fun people in your own age or with similar interests to socialize with when on a trip?

The best way is to find them in advance or right from the beginning, not letting any time go wasted, so naturally we especially like the fact that the main reason why the site was started was that the co-founder Peter Sullivan failed in his attempts to find and communicate with people before a family cruise.

An authentic situation where there was a need for something that didn’t existed at that time, is in our opinion the best sign for if anything will succeed!

This very innovative and fun travel socializing network has ensured global travel partnerships with progressive cities including Oslo, Innsbruck, Athens, Atlantic City as well as teamed up with for the spring break.

Vacation Relation was also represented at the PhoCusWright Travel Innovation Summit as well as been a part of New York Entrepreneur Week in November 2010.

Not a bad start for them, especially considering that it’s many companies dream to get in the spotlight of TechCrunch…

Keep an eye on this very promising site - and why not going there to check it out before your next trip? It’s so easy - you don’t even have to register, it connects to your Facebook & Twitter account.

Who knows, you might even meet us there ;-)

Lifecruiser Travel Socializing

4 Comments on “Vacation Relation Burning Hot Travel Socializing Network”


    Very interesting and promising - have registered of course so looking forward to see you! :-)

    However just back from Brussels and then Lisbon, so I guess next time will be in early 2011.

    DianeCA said:

    Yep I thought of Renny right away when I read your post. He loves to meet people and this could be fun for him! He talks to everyone he meets! Interesting for me too of course, I like to do research and find local high points and hide aways.

    Gattina said:

    I always find people to talk to, even at the cashier ! lol !


    ahoy mates !!

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