Clothes line dry view, FranceProvence, France 2009

We wish we had such an opportunity to dry our clothes we need to pack before going to our summer island. Every year we have the same problem: so much laundry to dry at the same time before packing them…

…and every year rain, rain before we leave Stockholm… Typical Swedish summer holiday weather right after the school is out!

Lifecruiser Travel Photo

6 Comments on “Travel Photo: Dry Up View”

    al NORWAY said:

    a very nice photo!
    well… if it is a consolation, it has been raining here all the timwe. i wonder if summer has forgotten us :(


    Poor you, I’ve seen the weather reports and you have got more rain than we have had, so I’ll shut up now!!!! *giggles*

    Gattina TURKEY said:

    Fortunately I don’t have this problem, it’s so warm here 27° but you don’t feel the heat, it’s always a little windy. There are so many seagulls here, it’s very romantic and we have a view on the sea from far ! Istanbul is really a wonderful city and surprisingly clean. At least the center !

    Ginnie NETHERLANDS said:

    What a fabulous photo, LC. I love it. And yes, we must be getting your same rain…although today we’ve started out sunny. And it was only 53F when we woke up this morning here in The Netherlands! And it’s almost summer!!!


    From the look of your photos Gattina, it’s a verrrry pleasant city to explore! Some day we hope to go there too!


    Ginnie, it’s surprisingly cold over here to be this far into June - we hope it will change soon, because otherwise the Sea will be too cold to take a dip!

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