
Recently we did give Jane an early birthday present. The perfect birthday gift for one that have a trip planned, like she has. She is going back to Brazil in the end of July, this time to stay at least a month – lucky one!

Jane's birthday gift suitcase

If you have looked at our FB account you may have seen it already, but I couldn’t resist posting it here too. She was really happy over it and it’s a brilliant color, don’t you think…?

©Lifecruiser Love New Suitcases


Photo: Vintage Leather Suitcase
Swedish American Line Marked Vintage Suitcase

2 Comments on “The Perfect birthday gift: a new suitcase for a trip”

    Jesse said:

    I’m actually liking the new design of LifeCruiser. It looks more romantic and somehow dramatic and you can actually feel the heat while reading your post. BTW, nice purple suitcase.

    Ginnie NETHERLANDS said:

    Gotta love everything about it! :)

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