Join Wordless Wednesday
Lifecruisers kinematograf
The text says: Lumières kinematograf in the old Stockholm, proof at one of the 900 photographs that together make a kinematografic picture. (I took the photo at the Technical Museum in Stockholm).

This is not so Wordless Wednesday, butt I can’t keep quiet about this!!!

28 december 1895 projected film was shown for the first time for a paying audience. This was with help of the brothers Auguste & Louis Lumières combinated film camera and projector le Cinématographe.

The show room was an oriental decorated billiard salon in the basement of Grand Café at Boulevard des Capucines number 14, in Paris. The cinema were presented as Cinématographe Lumière at the posters and was the first cinema in the world.

The fee at the premier night was 1 franc. The film name was L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de la Ciotat – The train arrives at Ciotats station. (Source: Wikipedia)

Already in 1896 was the first public cinema opened in Sweden and since then it has just went on….

Don’t miss to come along to our current port: the film bestival in Cannes! (Click the link down below)

We’re gonna walk the red carpet… *lol*

Captain Best Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Current port: The filmfestival in Cannes.
Host: Our own Paparazzi Claudie.

(Don’t miss the two earlier posts to: Le Festival de Cannes and Le Festival de Cannes II

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30 Comments on “The Film Bestival”

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    That reminds me of what my son had to study for his exam as a photographer and I had to listen to all this, yes the old frères Lumières ! Wikipedia is the best, honestly, you really find everything in there. One of the COT members has a cat called Wikipedia (short Wiki) because she is so intelligent ! Geez I had to laugh ! to find such a name for a cat, lol ! I am waiting for Claudie’s reportage ! So far I watch everything in belgian TV each day !! But my good old George is not there (not Bush but Clooney) !

    Bridget UNITED STATES said:

    I always learn something from you every week :) Happy WW.

    amy said:

    educational blogs rock!

    claudie FRANCE said:

    There is a big bill of this arrival in the La Ciotat station!
    I’d like to come back at this time in the Grand Café, boulevard des Capucines to feel this magic oriental atmosher!

    Jarid and Caydon's blog said:

    Wow, how facinating. Very interesting.

    Donna W UNITED STATES said:

    It’s nice to learn something new so early in the day. Happy WW (I can never stay totally wordless either).

    Peter MALAYSIA said:

    nice site you got here too. Greeting from Penang, Malaysia

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    I´m dressed to walk the red carpet, Mrs Captain ;)

    Before I leave I apologize for the following:
    I took the liberty of tagging you for the Eating Out MEME. You know, I can´t get enough of you, Stockholm and swedish food… and I wanna see if I´ve been to one of those places you´ll mention already while I was in Stockholm. *grin*


    Another history lesson. I just love this. Excellent post. Who cares if you used words? I didn’t! Happy WW. :)


    Thanks for translating!! :-D

    This is so interesting! What a neat type of room for the movies!

    Making me wanna investigate “The Dock Street Theatre” that is here in Charleston.

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    If you are not oveloaded with work for Mr. Lifecruiser (he, he) then you should return to my cat blog ! I have a big problem finding a nice and original name for a little girl kitten I adopted yesterday !
    Any idea ??

    that frolicsome kid BRUNEI DARUSSALAM said:

    Hey, is that a TV screen in the middle? Lol! It looks very authentic. =)

    that frolicsome kid BRUNEI DARUSSALAM said:

    By the way, the ship’s berthing at Cannes already? Oh my goshh!! I always want to know the inside scoop at the current Cannes film festival! I’m so going there now! :P

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    LC – I have NOT been hat shopping in Cannes yet – and I really WANT to go — but it’s going to have to wait until at the very earliest this afternoon! I have to get to work! HOWEVER… You’re IT dear! You’ve been tagged – and it’s a doozy — but you just might find some new cruisers from this one!!! LOL! Stop by to see what I’ve done to you now!

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Well, I guess all names goes for me, if it’s easy to say them :-D

    Happy Cloney hunt ;-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I guess we all earn from eac ther, dfferent things, tat’s why I love the blogosphere so much :-D

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I can only nodd :-D

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Oh, yes, I want to come there too!!! How special that must be.

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I’m glad you thought so :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Me too, that’s the bonus fact of blogging :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Thanks Peter, I enjoyed yours too :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Oh, my, how on earth do you think this hungry monster will be able to actually choose dining places just like that???? Hrmppfffff!

    Though I must admit: this is probably the best meme in a long time, because at least it has some more usable facts…

    WHEN, that’s another question…!!!

    (I’ll keep it on my list to do)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Thanks for that :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, I was quite surprised that there wasn’t any translation from the Swedish Wiki to english. Strange.

    Oh, please do and report to us!

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, of course, that pretty lady has to have a name! Right over to you with my suggestion!

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, it’s the old movie they showed there, like being thrown back in time!

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Captain of the movies as well, you are. Great. Besides, I’m very anxious to see your restaurant recommodations;))

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    To call little kitten Vivien to fit with King Arthur is a great idea ! the only hic is that my neighbor’s name is Vivienne (french for Vivien) so can you imagine that we shout “Vivienne, get home” or “Vivenne don’t scratch the carpet” or “Vivienne your litter box is here and not in the plants” and my neighbor will follow ?
    We both had to laugh with this idea (Vivienne included, lol)

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    That was a fantastic Red Carpet experience!
    The Hubbs could use those dress shoes! Can the text be altered for every blog, lol!?

    lucia UNITED STATES said:

    I need to get to Cannes. Now to go back in time so watching the film is 1 franc!

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