
The number of persons only visiting internet through their smartphones or tablets devices are increasing heavily. You might be missing out of them because of the lack of mobile version of your WordPress blog. Now we can relax: just found the best mobile & iPad plugin for WordPress without any doubt.


If you haven’t installed a mobile and iPad plugin for WordPress yet, it is really high time to consider it. The future is all about mobility, just look at the young people in your surroundings: how do they use internet? Yes, mainly by their mobile devices.

For a long time now, we have been thinking about getting a mobile plugin for our WordPress Blog software for, but not really found someone that live up to our criteria for such an important plugin. Until now – WPtouch Pro impressed us from the first second we had installed it!

Earlier we have seen other solutions, to create and add customized themes to be able to read the blog properly in the mobile. WPtouch Pro does it all automatically for Android, iOS or iPad, without you have to do anything other than some settings – if you want too.

I found it so super easy to install – and to configure settings, icons to use etc. Almost anyone can do it, it is such a breeze!

My earlier researches did show a lack of customization, while WPtouch offers so many highly useful configuration options. I highly recommend the Pro version, it’s worth the money if you’re serious about your blogging and want your blog to stay alive ahead.

For us travelers it is even more useful, to be able to make a fast & easy check up on our blog during a trip is essential to us.

I will write a more detailed review of the WPtouch Pro mobile plugin for WP later, but the plugin impressed me so much, that I instantly had to tell you all about it!

This is a must plugin to have! It will only take you a few minutes to have it up and working!

Why not try it out by visiting in your mobile phone and add us like a WebApp on your homescreen to easier find us again? (I just LOVE that feature!)

Disclosure: I purchased the WPtouch Pro plugin with my own money. This is NOT a sponsored review, it is my honest opinion. You can show me some appreciation for the tip by clicking my linked image below to purchase this plugin, so I get an affiliate commission. I would love you for that!

©Lifecruiser Love WPtouch Pro


Pssst! If you do: please tell us in the comments, so we can go ahead and visit your blog in our mobiles and see how awesome your blog is!

5 Comments on “The Best Mobile and iPad Plugin For WordPress Without Doubt!”

    Gattina said:

    I am happy with what I have. An old Nokia mobile phone to call or receive calls from my friends, a notebook for travelling and my computer at home. The Nokia Smart phone with keyboard I got from my son for Christmas I sold, because I found it too complicated and I have no use for it in my case. Of course Dario agreed. This payed me largely my holidays in Ollioules, lol !

    Gattina said:

    PS. thanks for all your comments !

    RennyBA said:

    Thanks for the tip – yours work great on my iPad and now I have installed it too!

    I think its great because the GUI is adjusted to just the way a mobile device user are used to brows effectively within the same site/service. I’ve checked both on iPad, iPhpme and a couple of Androide phones and pads.

    I’ve taken a photo of your site on my iPod with my NokiaN8 – the best mobile photo phone you know :-) Will send it when replying on your mail.


    Not everyone have to be in need of everything all the time Gattina and I think you did the right thing – to go to Ollioules instead! To visit friends and explore places are more important than dead things!


    That’s just awesome Renny! Your site looks gooooood man :-D

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