I love to dance, but I’m no good dancer - if it’s other dances than Disco, because I grow up during the disco era. Luckily Mr Lifecruiser is, so I only have to follow him - not in belly dancing though
I’m sad though, that the dancing is decreasing. I’m afraid that it will disappear totally eventually. There seems not to be any interest for dance among the youngsters, they’re mostly standing there when they’re out or in party’s.
Why is that? Are they too shy? Is it not trendy enough? Is it not cool to dance? Or are they just too drunk? Or too much pressure to dance perfect?
I hear so many people say that they can’t dance, but really! They are not participating in a dance competition, it’s just to dance and have fun! That’s the main thing. Dare to make a fool of yourself, if that what you think you’re doing. I say not, because if you’re having fun - you’re always a winner!
I do think that it should be compulsory in school to learn different dance styles and to practise it in reality - not just scratch on the surface of it. It’s common knowledge to be able to dance and I think it would ease the path for dancing tremendously. It would have helped myself very much.
These days when people talk so much about diets and workouts, why not take up dancing as an excellent diet method? You’re so occupied making yourself tired with dancing that you got no time to eat and you’re burning lots and lots of fat while doing it - and it’s FUN!
For singles it’s an excellent opportunity to meet each other and it’s accepted to actually touch each other too What can be better than that?
Mr L and I have been discussing going to a dance school, but never seem to get around to actually do it. Partly because of my back of course. I shouldn’t dance that much, but it’s so fun so I keep forgetting that and then I’m totally dead the days after that….
Yes, I know, there still is some dancing out there, but it’s too little! So I wish for a Ballroom Blitz to explode - soon….
Come on - shake that body
Which type of dances do you like? Or would like?
Click here to learn to dance:
Ballrom Dancers
Dance steps tutorial online
Dance steps
Salsa dance steps
Disco dance steps
UPDATE: If you by any chance made a comment on this post and it isn’t there now, it’s because my database has been created from a backup since then…
I also think dancing should be taught in schools. They should get rid of mathematics and teach dancing instead. Who needs to learn how to add and subtract if they can dance..
Lifecruiser: Exactly my point, the life will be a dance
oh how did you get my pic..i look just like that i tell you, lol..okay, so i exagerated a bit..the nose here is a bit bigger than mine ;p
i love to dance..i used to but i’m so shy…i feel just fine and happy doing it with my kids but with outsiders, i am too shy now..not before though..and i loved it..
Lifecruiser: Don’t be shy - just have fun
I enjoy dancing. When I was younger I didn’t dance cause I wasn’t asked. Now I just go ahead and dance with a group of women who just want to dance.
Lifecruiser: That’s excellent, we all should just have fun, not care so much about what others says or etiquette
I can dance! But my lifetime partner can’t. I can show you a few steps…this is me dancing.
my disco beat
Lifecruiser: OMG! This is defenitely an extra plus point for the A-Team admission! They are just fantastic. I must say that you have an own sexy hip style
I’m so impressed!!!! YOU ROCK!!!
By the way…that animation of me ‘disco-ing’…IS actually me…my picture was pasted into the animation. Someone made it for me for fun. :o)
Happy Friday
Lifecruiser: Yes, and that’s what’s making it so fantastic! what a style!
I love dancing but I lack coordination. It’s not only me, Mr Mar and I took a class once only to find out everybody else did wonderfully on the dance floor and we were only stepping on each other’s feet…maybe if we had taken classes at an early age this would have been different.
Remember David Bowie: let’s dance!
Lifecruiser: Well, the whole meaning with dancing is that you should have fun, so never mind the faulty steps and aching toes, just dance…. *lol*
Uhmm I don’t dance. I can’t dance, and I think it makes me look silly lol. The only dance I can do is a sloooow dance.. and then there’s no stopping me!
I think, for me, not dancing is because (believe it or not) I’m too shy.
Lifecruiser: I’m sure that it’s only you yourself that think that you looks silly The main thing is to have fun, try to think about something funny, it might help
Hi this is good posting,I don’t dance.But guys have fun He!He!He!.
Wish you well
Lifecruiser: Well, as I said before, the main thing is to have fun. I wish you well back
Ballroom dancing is enjoying a resurgence in the US. We took lessons a few years ago (before a cruise) and there were many young people in the class. Dancing with the Stars (TV show) has been extremely popular. We love to dance, but are only good at a few steps.
Lifecruiser: Oh, that’s so nice to hear Giving me some hope for the future…
I must admit: I’ve never danced. I’ve always been extremely shy, and I’m also a bit of a perfectionist. Put those two together, and what comes out is I’m terrified of looking like an idiot on the dance floor. So, I’ve never gone on the floor to begin with.
Lifecruiser: OH! *deep shock* Wow, what you have missed in this life. Dance is so wonderfully fun. To feel the rhytm. To become happy from the contagious music…. ahhh. You should try now. It’s never too late
You know, I haven’t dane hardy lany dancing since I was forced to in high school PE (and let’s face it, PE is not the best scenario to learn to dance!). BUT me and some friends are taking west coast swing dancing lessons right now, and i LOVE it! Love love love. I’m hooked, and want to do more now - ballroom, salsa… bring it on!
I posted a few videos of the Canadian champions doing West Coast Swing on my blog, jsut to give peopel an idea of what West Coast Swing is, becuase it’s not really widely known. *I* look nothink LIKE them, but hey, it’s somehting to aspire to. (At least I don’t look like that lady on the top of your post!). My name in this comment is a direct link to the post, if you want to see it.
Lifecruiser: Oh, that sounds so wonderful! I’m so happy for you. I wish my back could hold for something like that! Of course I want to see it, so I’ll hop over at once
Speaking of dancing and cruising, I’m looking for men who want to do just that - see the world on cruise ships while they make sure that all the unescorted ladies by the dancefloor get asked to dance.
Does this sound enticing to anyone? Drop me an email!
Lifecruiser: It should be! Wonderful thing to do anyway. Good luck with that search