
A day out walking in Stockholm City Center brought me this fun mirror ball picture. Our regular readers certainly know by now that we are fond of mirror and reflection photos…


This was in a fun shop window display of the Monki store in Gallerian shopping mall at Hamngatan in the city center. The display theme were a bit alien, with the dummy dolls having metal balls as heads.

©Lifecruiser Love Unusual Shops


Other travel shopping related posts by Lifecruiser:

Shop Windows: Makeup and Wig Store
Stockholm Photo: Window Shopping Fashion
Stockholm Photo: Versace Fashion Window
Funny Stockholm Design Chair
Stockholm Photo: Italian Ice Cream Top Shop
Travel Shopping Pattern
Travel Shopping Photo: Underwear Bear
Vienna Shop Windows Odd Mix
Vienna Delicious Budget Food


Just thought that I should share some Swedish travel news I’ve overheard or did catch in different places lately. A mix of short good to know travel bits.

  • The tourism in Sweden is increasing further, as it has the past eight years, despite the economical crises around in the world. Last year the tourists spent 87 billions Swedish crowns – which is more than double the amount Sweden did earn on the Swedish car export…
  • In the last quarter of 2011, Sweden had the most expensive hotel rates of the whole European Union, with a average of 1180 Swedish crowns/night. Denmark came in on the second place, UK at third place. Though I must say to Sweden’s defense that the hotels in Sweden generally keep an high standard.
  • The most visited Museum in Sweden is the old and famous outdoor museum out on the Djurgården island, neighbor to the only amusement park in Stockholm, Gröna Lund. After that it’s the Vasa Museum with the old Vasa ship and then the Museum of Modern Art.
  • Flybe starts a new flight route Bromma (Stockholm) and Oslo in the beginning of May with 22 departures per week. Already today you can take a flight to Copenhagen, Tallinn of Helsinki with Flybe.

We were just looking around a bit… and we were VERY tempted to book two other trips, because we found awesome bargain prices for flights to both Palma de Mallorca and Venedig with another airline.

I tell you: we were soooo close to book since the weather is really boring here in Stockholm right now and we had booked them for sure – if it were not for the fact that we need to save for our long Europe trip later this year… *sigh*

©Lifecruiser Love Travel


We went to a shopping mall in the Stockholm suburban Bromma recently and spotted ourselves in part of the wall in there. A part of the wall is a mirror, so we could photograph ourselves a bit distorted. It came out quite funny…

Sweden: Bromma Blocks Shopping Mall Wall Mirror

The shopping mall is named Bromma Blocks and is located very close to the quite small Bromma Airport. They have actually used the old hangars as a mall – with huge improvements of course…

Once upon a time, Bromma was Sweden’s biggest airport, which is hard to believe today!

©Lifecruiser Love Mirror Photos


Another shopping mall wall photo by Lifecruiser:

Photo: Mall Wall Art