
I had a wonderful birthday evening when we were in Prague. After a lot of sightseeing during the day, it was great to take seat at one of the restaurants down at the Old Town Square – and with such joyful orchestra: Rusty circle, playing for us!

Lifecruisers 50th birthday celebrated by Rusty circle orchestra, Prague, Czech Republic, Photo Copyright Lifecruiser.com

I love it when the musicians are having FUN when they’re performing (and not only doing it as it were any boring job task) and this orchestra really lived up to that. They played the perfect joyful music for an evening out, putting us in a very good mood.

Actually they reminded us very much about another Swedish band we use to meet at our summer paradise island: remember Jösses Pojkar we’ve written about before?

When Rusty circle did take their “academic beer pause”, hubby said he would go to the gents room, but he actually went to talk to them, to make them play something for ME!

Surprise! They came back playing and singing Happy Birthday for me and making everyone at the restaurant singing along!

Not only that, they had (without even hubby knowing) written happy birthday plus my name & signed one of their CD’s, which they gave to me too. Such nice guys I tell you.

My beloved hubby also had ordered some romantic songs to be played for me, which they did…. Several of them. Ah… it was such a romantic evening…

This was at a special Medieval restaurant: U Zlate Konvice – not exactly the cheapest in Prague, but with a special touch.

Lifecruiser Rusty circle

PS. If you’re interested in Prague, there will be more posts about our time there later on this blog, but also in between there will be posts about other trips we’ve made.


Monday evening we had the annual BBQ Party down at the farmers old fishing cottage by the Baltic Sea with many of the farmers friends. Participating was also Claes-Göran and Bengt from the band Jösses Pojkar, entertaining us with some of their songs.

It’s really hard to understand that our farmer is 80 years old – he is such an active man and in many senses younger than many others!

Earlier posts: Swedish band Jösses Pojkar and Stig-Helmers Experience.

Oh, boy, what a party! We didn’t go to bed until 3 o’clock in the morning – it’s tough work to be on vacation! *giggles*

Hubbys brothers son with wife and kid is here too, so now you know another reason why I don’t have the time to visit your blogs – sightseeing is going on.

Lifecruiser Fishing Cottage BBQ


Stig-Helmers Experience at Sudersands Badrestaurang, Fårö island, Gotland, Sweden, Copyright Lifecruiser.com

Last Saturday we went to Sudersands Badrestaurang to listen to the band Jösses Pojkar who sometimes perform together with Lasse Åberg in a trio called Stig-Helmers Experience.

Stig-Helmer is that wonderful nerdy character in the famous Swedish comedy movie series Lasse Åberg has done, which has become a cult classic. No Swede can see him without instantly think of Stig-Helmer and put on a big smile.

We met Claes-Göran, Bengt and Hasse in Jösses Pojkar last year at the annual farm BBQ at the fishing cottage – some of you might remember that I wrote about it.

Our farmer have known them for ages and this year Claes-Göran with wife and Bengt stayed up here at the farm for a couple of nights, but we didn’t have any big BBQ this time.

They’re such nice guys with so much humor in their songs. If you’re in Gotland (Sweden) you can catch up with them at other performances, they’re on a tour right now.

Another important thing to mention is that Lasse Åberg also is a chairman in the Chiparamba Foundation, which arranged this event. Chiparamba Foundation’s goal is to help children in South Africa which lives in the streets or who’s parents has died in HIV/AIDS.

It was such a wonderful experience to see the Soccer team Chiparamba Great Eagles from Lusaka, Zambia at the restaurant filled with joy, shaking their bodies to the music!

Stig-Helmers Experience meet football team Chiparamba at Sudersands Badrestaurang, Fårö island, Gotland, Sweden, Copyright Lifecruiser.com

What a rhythm they have in them. They even danced to a very Swedish, folk music song.

I thought it were a pity that they should be up there dancing alone – so I joined them! I remember that they looked really interested on my foot work…. Like: “What on earth are she doing…?” *giggles*

After that the dance seriously got going!

See Lifecruiser’s Stig-Helmers Experience Photos here.

Lifecruiser Fårö Events