
Already at once when we arrived at home after our 8850 km long Europe trip recently, we started to clean up our apartment of a lot of unnecessary things. We already lived compact living – or so we thought…

The thing is that when living at the same place for a long time, you always start to collect a lot of things again! *bummer*

Believe me, we have been throwing (and giving) away so many bags full of clothes, home textiles, kitchenware’s, things (even paintings) now, so I can’t even keep up with the counting of the bags.

So what are we cleaning up for? Except for the fact that you need to do it once in a while, we also have a future move in the mind actually. The move can come surprisingly quick, knowing how we can be, so better to be prepared.

We might move to an even smaller apartment further up in the street or to another location, another city or somewhere else in the country – or even abroad. You’ll never know with us. If the right opportunity comes, we certainly will grab it!

We have had in mind for several years now, that we might spend the winters somewhere else and just a shorter summer period in Sweden. We will see what happens… For sure is that we will make some kind of escape later this winter, short or long….

©Lifecruiser Would Love To Move Abroad

4 Comments on “Preparations for a future move?”

    Jesse said:

    What’s more fun about moving to new place or home is that you got the chance to recollect those memories whenever you settle down those memorabilia (if not tiring) and take some glimpse of the past whenever you take hold of them.

    Mike said:

    It’s hard to let go some things which have sentimental values. Once we’ve let got things, we initially are hurt but later on accept it

    Ginnie NETHERLANDS said:

    Be prepared for anything. I like that! After down-sizing to move to the Netherlands, I hope I never collect so much stuff again! I’ll be eager to see what happens to you next!

    Dee AUSTRALIA said:

    It can be hard sometimes but it’s worth giving it a go. I’ve made big jumps and even when they haven’t worked … well something else has.

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