~ Money Blind ~
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Money

I see no money
I seek no money
I send no money
I lend no money
I save no money
I crave no money
I have no money

I have unlimited Love

Oh, boy was this photo fun to shoot! It was no picnic to try to hold on these two coins with my eyes I tell you! [insert giggle here]
The meaning was to give you an absolutely horrible pic of me, which I think we succeeded with, don’t you? *lol*
I really tried to wrinkle my face as much as possible. Mr Lifecruiser thought I looked like that wrinkle dog, Sharpei…
You can be glad that I reduced away a part of my big nose there - otherwise you’d have looked right up my nose! *giggle x billions*

NOTE: Oh, and before anyone ask, the coins are NOT Swedish coins. The left one is an Icelandic 100 kronor and the right one is a Norwegian 5 kronor, which has a hole in the middle.

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38 Comments on “Photo Scavenger Hunt Money”


    That is really funny! I’m very much amazed on how you could hold those coins without dropping them till shot was taken.
    Thanks for dropping by.

    Lifecruiser: Well, I’m crazy, maybe that helps ;-)

    martin UNITED KINGDOM said:

    me think you is as “mad as a box of frogs”

    You are both just a couple of big kids………… Good!


    Lifecruiser: What a huge compliment. We’re very proud over that. We love frogs :-)

    mar SPAIN said:

    What an eye exercise! he he . I love coins with a hole in the middle, euros don’t have one… an old Spanish coin did, it was great to play with! happy saturday

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it was. Maybe it was very good for my wrinkles ;-)


    Seems like that would have been a difficult photoshoot to take!!

    Thanks for stopping by my site!!

    Lifecruiser: That shot involved a lot of funny faces, muscle cramps and hysterical giggles, so it was really hard work to get it!!!!

    Dani UNITED STATES said:

    Bravo! Great photo. *smile* Take care. Dani

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Dani :-)

    Wystful 1 UNITED STATES said:

    My Saturday Photo is posted with my 2 cents worth!

    Lifecruiser: I think we must have been on each other blogs at the same moment! *lol*


    What a fun picture…I’m up too. :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I just came from your blog :-)

    viamarie PHILIPPINES said:

    Extraordinary shot! Congrats for the choice.

    Lifecruiser: Well, thank you very much Viamarie :-)


    Excellent photo and text! Very imaginative!.

    Lifecruiser: Well, we have that kind of crazy imagination :-)

    Janet UNITED STATES said:

    ahhh, ohhhh, me oh my that picture cracked me up! Thanks for visiting!

    Lifecruiser: I’m glad you enjoyed it so much that it cracked you up :-)


    How funny! Isn’t there a greek mythology custom about placing coins on loved ones eyes when they pass away so they will be granted passage to the underworld?

    Was that too depressing to share? lol

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, hope you have an enjoyable weekend too! How interesting, yes I think you’re right there is sounds familiar. No, nothing is depressing, I could have actually passed away during this shot - from all the giggles!!!! *ROFLMAO*

    yoshi UNITED STATES said:

    Nice shot. Makes me wonder about all the other numerous shots you took to get to this point. :) I love it!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I see what you mean, I would have wondered that too…. And I tell you - they were no nice sight either, even worse than this pic! *lol*

    Connie UNITED STATES said:

    Loving your picture!!

    Take care,

    Thanks for stopping by and checking my photo out!:lol:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Connie :-)

    Suzy UNITED STATES said:

    Hey I think you look absolutely fab…and I love the shot! =o)

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Suzy, I must admit that I think so too ;-)


    This one made me smile! Great idea; great shot!

    Lifecruiser: Very good, that was the purpose with the pic, to have some fun :-)

    colleen UNITED STATES said:

    Blinded by money? Or rich in humor?

    Lifecruiser: Hm, good question, kind of both as it looks like :-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    LOL! Funny money!!!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, kind of mix of todays theme and next Saturday hah?

    Teena CANADA said:

    Very cool shot!

    Thanks for stopping by mine :)

    Lifecruiser: Thank you for that Teena :-)

    Ellen UNITED STATES said:

    I love it! (I probably would have laid down and had one of the kids take the photo! ;-)

    Lifecruiser: What, that wouldn’t have been the same achievement ;-)

    guppyman UNITED STATES said:

    See… that’s what it’s all about… having fun getting to where you want to be…. Glad ya’ll had lots of laughs getting this…!

    Lifecruiser: Well, you don’t have funnier than you make it…

    Proud Mum UNITED STATES said:

    At least it wasn’t pennies on your eyes…

    Lifecruiser: Oh, that would have been a real challenge *lol*

    Jennifer UNITED STATES said:

    Instead of moneyblind it should be MoneyVision!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I thought of that first, but I like it more to be blind :-)


    hey that is totally cool and different and yes it made me laugh.

    thanks for the visit.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks expatraveler, I’m glad you had a laugh :-)

    GoofyJ UNITED STATES said:

    What an awesome photo! :) I played too.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks GoofyJ, I think so too. I must, after all that trouble to shoot it…

    Tricia CANADA said:

    LOL great photo! How many shots did it take to get the one you chose? Interesting coins too, thanks for tell us what they are.

    Lifecruiser: Hm… Well, a lot of pics, ’cause I was laughing and dropping them all the time and then there were some problem with the camera too. I guess I was too ugly for even the camera… *LMAO*



    Lifecruiser: I hope you didn’t fell off your chair in the chock *lol*


    funny and creative! Plus I like the poem!!

    Thanks for coming by to see mine and for the anniversary wishes. Very touching indeed!

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Irish Church Lady, that was nice of you.

    eph2810 UNITED STATES said:

    What an awesome Photo Hunt picture. Very creative.

    Lifecruiser: Thank you. Well, maybe not so creative but it sure was FUN :-)

    Mandy NETHERLANDS said:

    Great pic, very different to those I’ve seen today so far lol. You really are crazy people heh :=)


    Lifecruiser: Well, this time I have to take all the blame for this on myself… Even Mr L thought that I were crazy to show myself looking lika an wrinkle dog like that. But since I’m such a friendly soul, I simply have to offer you all that laugh at my cost…. *LMAO*

    Barman UNITED STATES said:

    First thanks for stopping by my blog.

    That was special. Both funny and I really loved what you wrote. Two cheers for your PSH.

    Lifecruiser: Glad you enjoyed it! Cheers to yours too :-)


    Very creative for the theme. Should have shown the whole nose…lol

    Lifecruiser: I didn’t want you to see that my brain is empty… *LMAO*


    i love this!! :grin: Very fun!! :) now I get it… you’re money blind!! ha! sorry… it takes me awhile sometimes!! ha!

    happy saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Glad you enjoyed it at last froggie mama :-)

    Marti UNITED STATES said:

    Now that is an interesting way to hold up money. LOL Cute idea!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Marti. I don’t agree on the cute, more like crazy…. *lol*

    Carmen UNITED STATES said:

    that’s such a good picture! Reminds me of cartoons where they get dollar bills in their eyeballs. :)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, me too!!! *lol*


    Oh very good! You really went all out for this one. And I too finally get what you mean by your “money blind” comments. (Though I wonder if you could see through that hole in the Norwegian coin if you squinted?)

    My photo is up too.

    Lifecruiser: Well, let’s just say that I was focusing on not dropping the coins and with all that wrinkles in my face it was impossible to see anything… *lol*

    Loni UNITED STATES said:

    That is a funny picture - would pass for next week too! I like seeing the foreign coins too! :)

    I played!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I guess you could say that this was funny money :-)

    Breigh NETHERLANDS said:

    hahaha nice one :)
    Mine is up :)

    Lifecruiser: Glad you enjoyed it :-)

    eija FINLAND said:

    Hello, neighbour :) Pratar du svenska också?
    En mycket lustig foto du har här *grin*
    Thanks for visiting me!

    Lifecruiser: Welcome Eija, of course I speak Swedish too, but I don’t do it in this blog because other bloggers can’t understand it and I don’t want to make them too curious :-)

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