Trees in Fuerteventura
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In my last GTS post I had the baby climbing Figtree and that reminded me of this another very interesting tree we saw in Fuerteventura.

I wonder if these trees were planned to grow like this or if it’s one of natures little surprises?

Was it the trees or the holes that came first? *lol*

What do you think?

♥ Join Green Thumb Sunday ♥

10 Comments on “Penetreeting two holes”


    I wonder what kind of lubricant they used to get the trees in the holes..

    Lifecruiser: Maybe Palm tree oil…? *lol*


    That is really cool!

    Mine is up

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Lynn :-)

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    What a cool picture and great architecture. Of course the hole was there first - other vice the tree would grow in the windows LoL!

    Btw: great party we had on Friday. Hope you have recovered and are ready for the last week before Christmas!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Renny :-) Yes, I’m somewhat recovered, but I do think that I need some more sleep -staying up until 9 in the morning at that party because of the difference in timezones was a bit tough…. uhum… I’m not young any longer. Bummer. *lol*

    Sandy UNITED STATES said:

    Well is this like what came first the chicken or the egg? I hope you had a good weekend since I suppose it is over for you now. It is Sunday afternoon right now for me. Go visit my blog when you can and see the great gift that my friend made for me. I was so thrilled..Sandy

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it felt like it was the same question hah? *lol* Yes, I’m having a fairly good weekend, despite that I’m not feeling quite well today. I’ll pop over to your place at once *off with a swisch*

    Norma UNITED STATES said:

    That’s amazing. I think they planted the trees and then guided them.

    Sorry I didn’t leave any jokes for your party. I’m really a bad joke teller.

    But my MM is up. Please stop by. Very short today.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I suspect so too Norma. Ah, never middn about the jokes, you could have just joined and giggle anyway :-) I’m off to your place right away!

    Lisa UNITED STATES said:

    I’d like to think that the trees came first, or at least I hope so! I’m so glad the builders didn’t cut them down.:grin:

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I was glad that they left them there too for me to find :-)


    Those are smart trees! Well trained!

    Lifecruiser: Trained or trimmed…? I don’t know.


    P.S. Hope you’re feeling better! Don’t do so much.

    Lifecruiser: Nah, but I’m not doing anything for the moment, I’m totally innocent ;-)


    Wow - that’s awesome. I’ve often had a dream of having a tree featuring as the central column for a house. The paradigm in this concept here is very close. Any idea if the two palm trees have particular significance to the hotel? Is it featured as a logo on the stationary? Quite major to make such an allowance in a building like this so it’s obviously been deliberate rather than accidental. I wonder what the story is and i wonder if the hotel staff get sick of people asking them for it too! Great thought provoking photo!

    Lifecruiser: I have no idea at all and I’m not sure if it’s the hotel or the Pharmacy that has the trees actually. I so regret that I didn’t ask, but I was having a cold at that moment and the brain was full of snot… Yuk… *lol*

    TorAa UNITED KINGDOM said:

    The Wholes of course. What else to strech for? LOL.

    Lifecruiser: He he… Somehow I like that answer very much ;-)

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