
Mr Lifecruiser golfing

Poor Mr Lifecruiser. He played in a golf competition yesterday, at his home course, and it did not go very well. At least not after his standards. His handicap was raised to 4 after that.

That is partly my fault, because I keep planning so many journeys (11 last year and 5 so far this year) that he do not get enough time to practice golf anymore. I said partly my fault, because I do push him to go out and play – even when we are away.

He does not find it so easy obviously, there are so much other interesting and fun things to do!

Of course, it does seem a little bit hard to go out and play golf when the sky opens and there comes cloudbursts ever so often….

Maybe he should start a new type of golf, poolgolf….?


1 Comment on “Not enough golf”


    I’ve been playing golf since I was 5 years old and to this day I still don’t like the rain! Which is why I have earned the nickname of fair weather!! Although it really can sort the men from the boys and overall make you play better golf!!

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