
Merry Christmas 2009

Lifecruiser Christmas Gifts, Sweden, Copyright

Click to see Lifecruiser Christmas 2009 photo slideshow.

A Merry, Merry Christmas (God Jul) To You All!

Lifecruiser Christmas Gift Wrapping

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Comments on Merry Christmas 2009

  • 1
    claudie FRANCE said:

    God Jul!
    Lucky you are all! Christmas Father came already by you!!! :grin: the decoration is marvelous! And these little cakes make me really hungry!

  • 2
    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Beautiful photos.

    Merry Christmas to you and Mr Lifecruiser

  • 3

    Merry Christmas to you too!!!

  • 4
    Cecil Lee said:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! Do you have white Christmas at your home this year?

  • 5

    Wow so pretty. Merry Christmas!

  • 6

    Glad Jul to both of you!

  • 7
    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Beautiful photos, and all in silver and blue ! The Christmas tree at the Grand’Place in Brussels is also decorated in silver and blue.
    I had a very nice Christmas with the dutch family in their holiday home in Malmedy. We even had a white Christmas, but now it’s melting. Hope you had a nice one too !

  • 8
    Mircea said:

    I think you’ve had a perfect Christmas judging by the number of presents I’ve seen in the pics. :razz:

  • 9
    DianeCA SWEDEN said:

    Looks like a stylish and enjoyable Christmas!! Happy Holidays! :cool:

  • 10

    What beautifully wrapped and decorated Christmas gifts. A very belated Merry Christmas to you and your family,

  • 11

    Beautiful!! Happy New Year!! God Bless!

  • 12
    jenie=) said:

    you really like blue huh? =)

    nice theme…it is captivating!

  • 13

    Dear friends, we would like to wish you a wonderful holidays and a happy new year!

  • 14
    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    I know I am late. Please know I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

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