
Welcome to our summer vacation compact living!

Let us show you around on the genuine farm where we’re staying. We rent a little old working booth (that little one is where we’re staying) from a local farmer, which Mr Lifecruiser has done over twenty years. This summer he has been on Gotland & Fårö for 30 summers in a row!

This farmer is the most wonderful and that shows, people has always wanted to come back and rent from him.


This is the second year he hasn’t any lambs by his own, this is his sons who lives on another farm nearby, he is cutting down on work now since he is 78 years old by now. They always call all sheeps for lambs at this island.

Fårö also means Sheep island if I translate it from Swedish to English right off.

We only have one very small bedroom and a small kitchen. No water, we have to fetch it in buckets.


So there is only light cooking done here. Remember, we’re on vacation! That’s also why we eat on paper plates – no one of us wants to wash up…

This was our dinner today, done with sour creme, Salsa sauce, spices, leek, sausages with pasta in the very small kitchen area.


This shelf is the only one we have to store groceries. There is only one cupboard.


Though we can cook inside and we do have an old fridge too – ah, how I love cold beer in the summertime :-P

I just love this sign telling us where to put our compost garbage’s, this is living green at it’s fullest!


The shower an toilets are out on the farm, we’re sharing that with others that stay here too.


Here are how the hot water is heated – by the sunlight in the day – so we have to be really careful how to take our showers so the hot water will be enough for everybody!


Wanna peek into our bedroom? Of course you want!


Sorry, we’re not in there! Yes, we’re only laying in one bed, and it’s even smaller than our bed at home, meaning less than 35 inches! It’s 80 cm wide. *giggles*

Don’t ask me how we do it, because even we ourselves don’t know!

To find somewhere to stay at Fårö might be tricky, since every one want to be here. And it is rather expensive to rent too, as most places in Sweden are. There are a few camping areas, but no other camping is allowed.

We went into the flea market today, even though there seldom is anything we want to buy. Today I did. Two bags full of old magazines from 1947, Husmodern, House mother magazine. I just love this old magazines!


As you could see, we have had sun here today – we have had very windy weather though, so no beach weather, because with this fine sand there is here, we would have sand everywhere!!!

This is the kind of fine sand you only find at a few places abroad, so don’t ask me how it came here from the beginning…

Another day I’ll tell you more about the sand here at the island, it’s a special story.

They say that the weather will be bad for the weekend, we’ll see how it turns out! You’ll never know with Fårö, it can be bad everywhere else but here!

Some other farm pictures:

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Or, look at all our photos from Fårö this summer at Flickr.

Don’t miss that you can start a slideshow there with them, the comments can be seen if you click in the middle of the picture over there. Just click on any picture in this post to get to that photo set in Flickr.

Captain Green Keen Lifecruiser

11 Comments on “Keen on green compact living”

    mar SPAIN said:

    Ai, ai Captain! that place look wonderful and you are really in touch with nature. Only I need prefer an indoor toilet because I have small storage capacity and I have to get up in the middle of the night…
    It must be true love if you two can sleep in that tiny bed…we had a 2mx2m bed, it had to be reduced to 1,60 (twice as wide as yours) due to room restrictions in our Spanish home.
    Who saved those old magazines?? it must be so much fun to read them again. And now I have to scroll up to take another look at your fab pics.

    mar SPAIN said:

    Excuse the mistakes, also the “del” didn’t work, I guess it should be “strike” here, oh well.

    Moe UNITED STATES said:

    Great blog you have here! Min fru ar svensk so I lived in Malmo with her for about 6 months before I got her to come back with me to the States. Thus, I love that you have pictures, etc. from around Sweden! I’ll be back!

    Hej da!

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Bravo, bravo, bravo! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!!! Just how I love them! In nature, intimity with your lover (the small, small bed), beach, simple, in a beautiful farm, near the animals! Life in the open air! all! And how funny it is to cook in the small wood house. The photos learn us a lot about Farö! Now I know that one day I will discover Farö!

    RennyBA said:

    Your summer paradise looks just perfect, relaxing, natrual, cozy and rural! I do understand why Mr. Lifecruiser has been there for 30 years and with him I’m sure it’s no problem to survive on 80cm!

    Your pics is so beautiful and makes me feel like I’ve been there with you – and was thinking; I hope one day we could visit (don’t worry, we don’t take that much space as we can sleep under your bed:-)

    TorAa said:

    Dear captain – OMG – you have a summerparadise like we have. All we need for Summer – even a kitchen. And the outdoor during the our Nordic summers are sooo beautiful – We simply adore this style of vacation.
    We will bring you our double genuine Maya Hammacka.


    We are planning to have a compost one day when we own our house. Such a great fertilizer! How awesome to have solar powered water heaters. The beach is so clean looking, and your pictures are very clear and crisp. Hopefully y’all will have nice weather this weekend! How beautiful it is there! I’ve faved some more of your pictures. :D

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    What a SWEET little place to visit! I had NO idea you were going to a farm! And it’s right near the beach too? Amazing! I am afraid that Hubby and I would NEVER fit both of us in that weeeeee small bed! It is not even big enough for ONE of us! And we are used to a huuuuuuuuge KING size bed with both of us spreading out! I don’t think we would get ANY sleep in that… oh… but maybe that IS the idea…

    aka R'acquel AUSTRALIA said:

    Impressed by the solar heated water and how the method makes you more concious about not wasting it. What time is the best to take a shower over there? Do you have hot/cold taps or is the water at the right temperature?

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    More nature and a little comfort would be impossible ! Looks very beautiful and is surely very distressing ! But sleeping together in a 80 cm wide bed, a nightmare ! I need space and Mr. Gattino has dreams and then he slaps and kicks around and sometimes even falls out of the bed ! That would be impossible or I would run around with a blue eye for weeks !

    Don@AffiliateWatcher UNITED STATES said:

    That place looks like it is as laid back as you can get. I grew up on a farm, my dad still has a few animals left. He too is getting on up there in years.

    I love going back, just sitting around relaxing. My favorite part is getting up in the mornings with a cup of coffee and watching all the animals come to life as the sun rises.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.


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