
Join: bloggers meetup in Oslo with sightseeing

We’re going to meet up with other bloggers from all around the world in Oslo, Norway in August 2010 - are you? It’s very well organized with the official tourist office of Norway giving us a discount, so without doubt: it’s gonna be a blogger feast!

If you haven’t already, NOW is the time to book a visit to Oslo, the capital of Norway: August 18th – 22nd to explore the city in the north with it’s history, culture and traditions - all this together with a bunch of highly curious bloggers!!!

Renny has taken the initiative to gather us bloggers and as you can imagine, this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    The Official Program:

  • 18th of August: Participants arriving from all over the world
  • 19th of August: 10AM – 1PM – Highlights of Oslo – A compact guided tour
  • 19th of August: 5PM – Grand opening by The Mayor of Oslo
  • 20th-21st of August, Daytime: Free choice of Oslo attractions, some guided by locals
  • 20th-21st of August, Evening: Group outdoor activity to enjoying the long summer night
  • 22nd of August: Participants returning home

The Highlights of Oslo is an awesome sightseeing tour of several of Oslo’s most interesting attractions: Downtown Oslo, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Holmenkollen & Viking Ship Museum. Free choice of return to the city center by bus or boat (if the weather allows).

There are also lots of other things to choose to see, different kind of attractions depending on your taste - and of course we’ll have wonderful Nordic summer evenings together!!!!

We’ve been to Oslo before, but not seeing all of the attractions yet. Downtown Oslo of course and the Vigeland Sculpture Park, but we don’t mind seeing it again, this time with more time to really enjoy it fully.

We’re so excited to go there, we’re going by car from Sweden - mostly because we hope to see YOU there!

Click the image below to read more - and to book the program!

LifecruiserBlog Meetups

Oslo Blog Gathering

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Comments on Join: bloggers meetup in Oslo with sightseeing

  • 1

    What a wonderful presentation of the Oslo Blog Gathering (couldn’t do it better myself you know ;-) )

    As the hosts, DianeCA and I are so much looking forward to meet up with you and show some of the sights we’ve been posting about from Oslo. So far it looks like it will be at least 30 blog friends from all over the world as well as about 10 expats now living in the Oslo area.

    Like you’ve said - with the Oslo Pass included in the Program Fee; everyone can choose what to see as free admission to museums and sights and public transportation are included.

    See you in August in Norway!

  • 2
    TorAa NORWAY said:

    What a fantastic preannoncement for the OsloBG..
    For people from other Continents, it might be the great finale for a once in a life time visit to the Scandinavian Countries.

    You know we all are really eager to see the both of you again, since we have met in Sweden.(Fårö), in Norway and in France together, we still keep in touch via voice.
    That’s great how we as bloggers can meet and broaden our lifes and changes experiences and thoughts and stay togetheter.
    I know Mr Lifecruisers GPS will guide you directly to where you will stay during this wonderful Event.

    So, what’s new in Oslo since last time the both of you did visit?
    The New Holmenkollen Ski Arena. (More than 1 million visitors per anno).
    The New Opera House (1 million + visitors)

    And in May 2010, it’s expected that about 120 millions will be watching the Final in the European Song Contest, which will this year be transmitted by TV from a Stadium at the former Oslo Airport in May.

    Also, On Saturtday, August 21, the famous Norwegian pop-group A-ha, will give a concert in Oslo as well. Just during the OsloBG. Can you believe it.?
    On top of that: Oslo Jazz Festival: August 16-21.

    And can you believe it: There are more Live Concerts in Oslo than in all the other Nordic Captitals together.

    And, the nature is just around the corner, in every direcions and for free as a participant of OsloBG

    And there are well preserved secrets around as well. I know of a few of them, since I’m born here.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful words for a great event.

  • 3
    ynview INDONESIA said:

    wow…. meet up with blogger from around the world ?.. Surely, it will be nice… Oslo is so far from my country… ( I wish I can be there ).. I hope that meeting result something useful for all of us in order to increase our knowledge and our advantages in online business…

  • 4
    claudie FRANCE said:

    What a joy to meet you next august with Mr Lifecruiser!!!And more we will be all by Tor so a lot of fun again in perspective!!! It will so rich in experiences! We should write a book about our adventure! :smile:
    I hope to be more on blogosphere now! I have just little time and I must forget FB and continue my visits as I did it since three years now!!!

  • 5
    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I hope for you that the sun is shining !

  • 6
    Marcee SPAIN said:

    Ohhh, you’ll have a blast!! :wink:
    I will be at a wedding, expect to enjoy your reports and pics!

  • 7
    Anil GERMANY said:

    I would love to make it but not sure of my August schedule or where I’ll be around then :/

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