Comments on: Hooked On Midsummer Ranked Top 100 Travel Blog Lifecruiser. Travel information & photos. Europe, North & South America. Sat, 10 Nov 2012 14:49:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: chase chase Sun, 24 Jun 2007 01:25:26 +0000 We are also celebrating Midsummer Night here as well. I am just wondering where you get these lovely photos like this one on your post. We are also celebrating Midsummer Night here as well. I am just wondering where you get these lovely photos like this one on your post.

By: RennyBA RennyBA Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:13:59 +0000 Hmmm,, long romantic evening in dusk - what more can a man ask for! Wishing you a wonderful Midsommarafton! Like Tor said, we have poring rain here in Oslo:-( SO you'll just have to check my post from last year to get in the right Viking mood! Hmmm,, long romantic evening in dusk – what more can a man ask for!
Wishing you a wonderful Midsommarafton!

Like Tor said, we have poring rain here in Oslo:-( SO you’ll just have to check my post from last year to get in the right Viking mood!

By: TorAa TorAa Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:01:36 +0000 I know - Midsummer feast is <b>the feast</b> in Sweden. I hope - from the bottom of my heart - you have better weather than here in the Oslo area right now. I know – Midsummer feast is the feast in Sweden. I hope – from the bottom of my heart – you have better weather than here in the Oslo area right now.

By: claudie claudie Fri, 22 Jun 2007 19:37:20 +0000 I imagine you have a marvelous Midsummer day! Will you put 7 different flowers under your pillow to dream about your Prince?! I know he will just next you in the very small bed but ... dreams are nice too? Why would all the best things reserve to the single women? (smile) I imagine you have a marvelous Midsummer day!
Will you put 7 different flowers under your pillow to dream about your Prince?! I know he will just next you in the very small bed but … dreams are nice too? Why would all the best things reserve to the single women? (smile)

By: Kasia Kasia Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:55:15 +0000 Shakespeare wrote Midsummer's Night Dream. What is you midsummer's dream? :))) Shakespeare wrote Midsummer’s Night Dream. What is you midsummer’s dream? :) ))

By: Gattina Gattina Fri, 22 Jun 2007 14:15:44 +0000 That's a nice use, I never heard of it ! I also love the long days and hate winters ! But the difference is even bigger in Sweden then here, now it gets dark at around 9.45 pm. That’s a nice use, I never heard of it ! I also love the long days and hate winters ! But the difference is even bigger in Sweden then here, now it gets dark at around 9.45 pm.
