
The election of 2010 is a historical turning point in Swedish history. The Social Democrats traditional dominance in almost a century seem to be broken (for good?) and the far-right Sweden Democrats will become part of the Swedish Government for the first time.

As a Swedish newspaper did put it: “A centre-right government (The Alliance) without a majority, a crashed social democracy and a kingmaker party with roots in the far-right”.

Many of us Swedes are worried over the results and with no party sharing the Sweden Democrats anti-immigrant views and not wanting them in the parliament this will indeed be an extremely difficult situation.

The Alliance need to immediately find an agreement with the Greens, to whom the outgoing prime minister reached out late Sunday night, who earlier said that they’re not interested.

One Swedish newspaper wrote: “the nightmare scenario has happened”….



Related articles:

CNN news about Swedish election results
BBC news about Swedish election results
Le Monde news about Swedish election results
Le Figaro news about Swedish election results
El Pais news about Swedish election results

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8 Comments on “Historic Election Results Sweden 2010”

    Gattina said:

    and in Belgium it’s a mess ! also becausse of the extreme right party !


    Yes Gattina, I thought of Belgium at once actually!

    Today the Greens says that IF the center-right want to negotiate, they have to do it with all the red-greens, not only the the greens. They stick together.

    … but we still have some votes that is not counted until Wednesday and it might be another outcome - it’s that close with the votes.


    That is quite a worry! The elections last May in the UK worked out not too bad with a coalition between centre and moderate right. They seem to be keeping each other in a balance so far. I am not so greatly interested in politics but the far right always worries me.


    Very interesting! I will have to keep watching but yes it is scary and as well with Belgium, which I cannot believe. My husband keeps on this stuff and I’ve told him to keep me updated!

    As for the hiking, you could easily do this hike. It’s more a beginner to moderate level hike and only 1 hour each way. Given you still need GOOD hiking boots as it gets muddy in any time that does not rain! A very shape father and son were on this trail which tells me many people can do this hike, even me as a pregnant woman was quite fine!


    We have a similar sort of thing happening here in our elections last month. Maybe it’s a world wide phenomenon!

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    This is peoples overreaction to fast growing numbers of immigrants from other cultures and high unemployment.

    What’s worries are the fact the established parties are so focused on “We will not talk to them”, instead of explaining people why these extremists are wrong and dangerous.

    Only some hundres votes to go for the Alliance, I read in DN.

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I don’t like at all when the extreme right enters at parliament and have voices.
    People have a short memory.
    In France our governement plays the security, ejects Roms in order to capture the far-right voices in 2012, the next presidentiel elections. :evil:


    Ahh…i Love parliamentary systems!

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