
Heavy snowfall in Stockholm

Wow! We have really heavy snowfall in Stockholm right now! It’s about -5C (23F) and the air is completely white from all the snow-white fluffy stuff that is filling the air!

This might be one of the very rare cases when I’m glad that I’m not coming home from a trip, because it can’t be fun to land in this weather. However, hubbys daqughter Jane is, she’s coming home from Gran Canaria with her boyfriend today - and she’s afraid of flying. Poor her!

Our only question now is: will it last over Christmas?

The reason for the question is that it’s not that unusual that it start to snow around the Lucia (13th of December), for some time and then right before Christmas Day, it all melts away and it starts raining!

So, keep your thumbs that we’ll have a white Christmas this year.

Lifecruiser Snow (only on Christmas!)

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Comments on Heavy snowfall in Stockholm

  • 1
    Fida CANADA said:

    If it continues to snow like here on your blog, you don’t have to worry :grin:
    Great idea, great design!
    We are having a heat wave here in Western Canada - they worry about not having enough snow for the Olympic games ;-)

  • 2
    Mark H AUSTRALIA said:

    That should suit Santa too.

  • 3
    SwordMama UNITED STATES said:

    It hardly ever snows here. I think we got a light dusting back in 1999, and we got a bigger snow in the 1970s sometime when I was too little to remember. Your blog is so magical with the snow! Good luck for the snow lasting till Christmas!!! 8-) That is so magical to have snow on Christmas.

  • 4
    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    For once we are sitting in the same boat ! It started to snow yesterday, that’s the second year that it snowed in Belgium and it is also very cold sometime - 8 °C ! The whole traffic broke down (as usual too) and it was the chaos on all streets in the country ! I thought it would be better this year, that they had learned from last year, but now, nothing has changed ! I love this sunny cold weather. For Christmas it’s less sure, this time we will celbrate in Malmedy in the Ardennes, together with son, DIL and parents.

  • 5

    Hello Lifecruiser! It’s been a while! I am just happy now that I have time again to blog after a long exam month. I am excited that it’s gonna snow here in Bergen since we rarely get a white Christmas especially in the recent changes in the climate, but now we’re gonna have one! So fun!

  • 6
    Claudine said:

    It’s cold here in South Korea, but it’s not snowing in Busan. It’s about 30 F, but says that it feels like 16 on some days. I’m looking for snow at a ski resort for Christmas! It may be fake snow, but I will take it!

  • 7

    I went up north to my wife’s family for this Christmas… 3 feet of snow already… getting hammered. It is cool and going to be my first real white christmas

  • 8

    good luck with the white Christmas. I know exactly how you feel. We have that happen a lot in Canada too. We will have a beautiful blanket of snow and then it all melts away for Christmas day. It is the one day that I just love having that white stuff on the ground.

  • 9

    Wow, I like the snow, specially the one in your blog! The snow almost covered my keyboard now :-).
    I wish you a nice holiday
    Take care

  • 10
    claudie FRANCE said:

    :smile: I hope you’ll have snow still tomorrow! Here we had cold weather and a big big mistral in Marseille five days ago! it was horrible! :cry:

  • 11

    Wow, I learned something new! I would have guessed that it would snow all winter in Sweden!

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