Mr and Mrs Lifecruisers engagement anniversery

Today we have a special day over here…. Our engagement anniversery! We’re taking care of each other and our Love every day, but today especially.

Our engagementtrip the 24th Feb 2004 went to our beloved wonderful Gotland-FÃ¥rö. Gotland is a small island outside Sweden and FÃ¥rö is an even smaller island outside Gotland. We have to take the big ferry to Gotland first and then drive up to the north-north-east of Gotland to catch a smaller road ferry over to FÃ¥rö. It’s a vacation paradise on the summer because of it’s beutiful landscapes, birds, sheeps, weather and unbeleivable beaches. Mr Lifecruiser has been there every summer for about 27 years!

FÃ¥rö still is beautiful in the winter! We were standing in the sunset with a very strong wind (!) trying to make a toast and drink champagne without sand in the glasses. Experiencing mother natures power as well of the power of our Love, in the sunset, totally alone… It was so romantic *dreamy sigh* It felt that we were alone on the whole earth. Of course we did draw a heart in the sand too, with our names in it and everything.

When we were heading back to the car we had to take it carefully. It was gettting very dark and we had walked about 1,75 kilometers to reach the middle of the beach (it’s very long) and we didn’t have any flashlights with us. That was nice too, alone in the darkness…

Go and see a few photos by clicking on the menu Photo above and then choose the folder Engagementrip. They aren’t so good, but hey, it’s difficult to shoot in the darkness and with water and sand flying around and all the kissing that’s going on…

As you can see on the photos, I’m wearing a lot of clothes so there were no stripping on the beach… *lol*

So this will be todays post and as a surprise for you we’re gonna have our special field reporter Miss Ass. Lifecruiser writing another post here after this one!

Exciting hey???!!!

5 Comments on “Engagement anniversery”

    Miss Ass.Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    My Friends…

    I really wish you all the best and many many good years together. You do take care of each other and all the love between you…. Laughing a lot and doing things together… Have a wonderful evening…

    Lifecruiser said:

    Thanks best friend, we will, as always :-)

    Dave UNITED STATES said:

    I have a feeling that you and Mr. Lifecruiser are as happy as Wanda and I and I couldn’t wish you more. Except maybe a warmer looking place to celebrate.

    Sparkling UNITED KINGDOM said:

    I love the beach in the winter. Sounds like a very special trip.

    Lifecruiser said:

    Dave: thanx, We’ve also understood that you 2 have that too, so may we have the happiest times for about 42 years more or so ;-)

    Sparkling: We love beaches any time I think… It’s so lively yet so peaceful. every time we go there, it’s special – and different because all the sand is moving around so it look different every summer.

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