
The wedding between the Swedish Crown Princess and her beloved Daniel Westling, a man of the people, were held at 15.30 the 19th of June 2010 in the Stockholm Cathedral (Storkyrkan).

Swedish Crown Princess Victoria's Wedding

The wedding act was following the order of the Swedish Church with a prayer over the rings, wedding bows and blessing. Victoria were handed over (half way) to Daniel of her father the King. They looked very much in love with each other. It really was touching!

Victoria has never been so gorgeous as she were now in her wedding dress, she was shining like the sun this day. No wonder, finally after so many years they got married!

I must say that I was so impressed over Daniel that he managed to say everything in his speech in the cathedral without any hiccups. I would not have managed it myself! Too much emotions involved!

In the same moment as the crown princess Victoria and Daniel said yes to each other, all the people in the city following the wedding on big screens started to shout their congratulations and there were record many Champagne bottles opened at this moment in Sweden for sure.

Directly after the wedding, The Crown Princess Couple stepped up in a magnificent horse-drawn open parade coach going in a cortege which was about 400 meters long all together. They were extremely lucky - the rain were a big threat all day, but never happened.

The royal cortege route was 6.8 km long along the streets of Stockholm and everywhere were the Swedish people and all the tourists waiting to see the newly married.

So many Swedish flags were waved, more than on the Swedish national day!

There were also thousands of people from voluntary organizations, civil organizations, Swedish Civil Defense League and Swedish Red Cross in the parade along the cortege route. Plus about 15 different bands playing.

The horses in the wedding cortege had shoes of silver (actually aluminum ) as in an old Swedish crowning tradition - very coveted - I wonder if they did drop a shoe or two on the way….

Reporter for Swedish TV earlier: “”I hope the cortege will not get lost, which about 100 of the participating soldiers did yesterday at the rehearsal!” *giggles*

The cortege ended with a trip on the gorgeous Royal Barge of Vasaorden from the Vasa Museum on Djurgården to Logårdstrappan at Skeppsbron rowed by eighteen cadets from the Naval College.

I just love that Barge, it’s making me speechless of admiration.

Both the Navy with their ships and the Air Force with JAS-airplanes did their saluting of the bridal couple too of course. The JAS-planes did fly over formed as an Amor arrow in the sky.

In Stockholm bay were both Swedish and foreign warships (from Denmark, Norge and UK) flying their flags high along the route to congratulate The Crown Princess couple.

Can you imagine all the security performed around all this? They even let police dogs go through the places (the Cathedral, landing place for the barge etc) before the bridal couple arrived.

Poor guys from the security police force SÄPO running beside the coach all the way along the cortege route! Phew!

At the big dinner party after at the Stockholm Palace they served an advanced Swedish menu to the 5-600 invited dinner guests.

Cotton Club, Roxette and Carola performed at the wedding party. We did not get to see that, but we did see the wedding waltz - well performed by the love couple. In the end even the King and Queen joined them.

The wedding cake were in the beginning said to be served at 10.00pm, but turned out to be more like around midnight. I’m happy to see that even royalties know how to celebrate just like we did at our own wedding!

What a Swedish Royal wedding cake: 3,30 meter high, 11 tiers, weight 250 kg and decorated with 100 handmade roses and 40 lilies! *whistles*

Victoria is a wonderful person doing a marvelous job, I would not want to change place with her since she has no private life. I admire the joy and sparkle she still has.

I also admire Prince Daniel for managing this kind of super big event so darn well and his wedding speech to his wife was simply brilliant: comparison with a fairytale, the prince that got the princess, but he was no frog that were transformed to a prince at the first kiss. *giggles*

It was extremely touching, showing lots of emotions - they really love each other!

Of course, that left no eye dry, always on weddings people cries and this one was no exception… and when they played our own wedding song “Så skimrande var aldrig havet” it was a total cry breakdown for me, so much happy emotions.

…. and after this the princess and prince will live happily ever after at their Haga Palace

So where were we at the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria’s wedding? Not along the cortege route! Why not?

We were packing! Not to go on a honeymoon to a paradise island in the French Polynesia like the royal couple, but to go to our Swedish summer paradise island Gotland were we are right now!

LifecruiserSwedish Royal Wedding

Other related post about the royal wedding:

Swedish Crown Princess wedding Pre-Report


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3 Comments on “Crown Princess Victorias Wedding Day”

    kate said:

    She’s beautiful! It’s just like a real life fairytale :smile:

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    Ah, such a beautiful, happy, couple!

    DianeCA SWEDEN said:

    The wedding was beautiful. We were all talking about how elegent Princess Victoria’s gown was. How it is amazing that it could be so simple and at the same time so beautiful. I liked the scenes from the Royal Barge as well because they looked so really happy there and the setting was just lovely.

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