Comments on: Copyscape your blog Ranked Top 100 Travel Blog Lifecruiser. Travel information & photos. Europe, North & South America. Thu, 28 Feb 2013 16:50:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lifecruiser Lifecruiser Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:54:36 +0000 Well Chris, you’ll never know when the copycats strikes….

eV: Yes I see what u mean… but just wait and then go back there to check from time to time, just to be sure. Everyone should be protecting their content in all ways they can, to force copycats to actually write their own stuff and not cheat with others!

By: eV eV Wed, 08 Mar 2006 07:10:37 +0000 Thanks for the copyscape link. Although I must admit that I was disapointed when I saw no one had stole my stuff! lol!

By: chris chris Wed, 08 Mar 2006 05:07:46 +0000 :smile: Hello! Here from Michelle’s. Thanks for the info on Copyscape. I’m glad I know about it now though I don’t think anyone is going to copy anything of mine. lol
