Archive for the ‘Sweden’ Category

Swedes Los Cristianos Tenerife

March 6th, 2009 at 7:59 pm » Comments (6)

In the South West Coast of Tenerife, about a mile South of the wellknown Playa de las Americas, there is the popular tourist destination Los Cristianos.
An old fishing village from the beginning, now growing tourist spot - as so many other places in Spain.
As a matter of fact, it was because of a Swede [...]

Lifecruiser - Andy Hayes Sharing Experiences

February 6th, 2009 at 10:48 pm » Comments (8)

The best thing with blogging and social networks are that you get to meet new, interesting persons to become friends with.
That’s how Andy Hayes (a wonderful writer and photographer based in Edinburgh) over at Sharing Experiences found me and asked me some questions.
Head over to Andy to read what we’re talking about: Lifecruiser interview.
When [...]

Snowstorm in Sweden or not - that is the question

February 2nd, 2009 at 9:30 pm » Comments (9)

Will the snowstorm that has been bothering London and other parts of Europe get here to Sweden? Will it get as bad as it has at the other places? I don’t think so and I’ll explain why.
Sweden is a small country if you count the landmass- about the same size as California - with a [...]