Archive for the ‘Roadtrips’ Category

Europe roadtrip: In the Alps

August 10th, 2012 at 10:29 pm » Comments (1)

We’re getting late on our updates about our around 7500 km long roadtrip through Europe, it’s tough to keep on the road for so long changing places to stay almost every night, but also to have the time to upload all photos, write something and hopefully on a working Wifi or other internet connection. So [...]

Europe trip: Leaving The Champagne district to go to Provence

August 5th, 2012 at 11:45 pm » Comments (2)

Some of you, that know us well, might have guessed from the last blog post that we did a stop on our Europe trip in the champagne district. Of course we did a longer stop in Epernay, to visit Moet Chandon and the village where Dom Perignon’s grave is. We would not be the Champagne [...]

Europe roadtrip short update

August 1st, 2012 at 11:05 pm » Comments (5)

We did spend only a couple of hours in Luxembourg, then we continued and passed the border to France. Yes, we have arrived in France already, but not in Provence yet. Anyone that can guess where we are right now? If you have followed our photos, you might guess… Continue to keep an eye on [...]