Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

Snotty nose kiss as cough mixture

September 8th, 2006 at 1:23 pm » Comments (5)

Have you ever tried to kiss when having a snotty nose and a bad cough?
Have you ever tried not to kiss when having a snotty nose and a bad cough?
Of course you have? We have too. But we didn’t do too well.
My cold is getting better yes, but before that can happen I’m obviously [...]

Photo Scavenger Hunt Love

June 24th, 2006 at 12:01 am » Comments (27)

~ Love Lifecruiser ~
Grab the Scavenger Hunt code.Photo Theme. Join the blogroll.
Visit participants.

Two heart pieces
makes one heart.
Knock on wood -
hear it’s strong beat.
Feel it rush your blood.
Nothing beats Love!

Thursday Thirteen Midsummer

June 22nd, 2006 at 12:33 am » Comments (16)

1. Tomorrow, Friday the 23rd of June, we celebrate midsummer here in Sweden. Many workers begin their annual five weeks vacation now, so of course we like to celebrate it
2. From the beginning it was more of a way for the farmers to celebrate the start of the summer and [...]