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The Film Bestival

May 23rd, 2007 at 3:29 am » Comments (30)

Join Wordless Wednesday

The text says: Lumières kinematograf in the old Stockholm, proof at one of the 900 photographs that together make a kinematografic picture. (I took the photo at the Technical Museum in Stockholm).
This is not so Wordless Wednesday, butt I can’t keep quiet about this!!!
28 december 1895 projected film was shown for the […]

Rambling babbling

May 14th, 2007 at 11:15 pm » Comments (6)

Sorry for being a bit late with my post today. We kind of slept in… (that can happen when you don’t go to bed until …oh, like 5 in the morning! *giggles*
…and I even missed the appointment with my Doctor today!!! That make me very very angry at myself. I even had a note attached […]

Photo Hunt Childhood Mood

May 5th, 2007 at 2:24 am » Comments (20)

Theme: Childhood | Blogroll Info | Next week: Fire
To see my newest bloglayout PUSH F5 button!

This represent my childhood. I practically lived with horses. This type of close up horse eyes was what I was looking into every day. Horses have the most fantastic eyes.
They were my best buddies. I can still feel the […]