Currently browsing Cyber Cruises

The Captains bullshit

July 6th, 2007 at 5:18 pm » Comments (4)

Dear Diary and cruisers,
Meet my new friend that talk as much as bullshit as myself…. *giggles*
It was a handsome young man who wanted to speak with me when we’re down to FÃ¥rösund again to get some things we couldn’t find on the island. Meaning we took the ferry over again.

Some super glue were needed […]

Keen on green compact living

July 5th, 2007 at 8:25 pm » Comments (11)

(Push F5 button to see our latest layout!)
Welcome to our summer vacation compact living!
Let us show you around on the genuine farm where we’re staying. We rent a little old working booth (that little one is where we’re staying) from a local farmer, which Mr Lifecruiser has done over twenty years. This summer he […]

Happy Lappy and Poppy

July 4th, 2007 at 5:22 pm » Comments (14)

Join Wordless Wednesday

Captain Lifecruiser well-hanged with the laptop on the shoulder, at the car.
Still smiling real big, tough job to keep the smile down below the ears… *giggles*

Poppy field by the road at Fårö island.
We’re taken it easy now in the beginning, no partying - yet. They have already announced a party next week, our […]