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Home Brew For The Crew

July 9th, 2007 at 5:27 pm » Comments (5)

Last night we went to the newly opened Sylvis Döttrar’s on an Irish Pub evening. Home Brew were playing Irish music for us and very well too :-)
I started to drink Irish Whisky - what else on an Irish evening? *giggles* Yes, I know, GUINESS too!!!!
This was Tullamore Dew, it’s my favorite - it’s very […]

The deli art Strandskogen Cafe

July 8th, 2007 at 3:01 pm » Comments (25)

♥ Congratulations to Gattina on her birthday ♥
Wanna have some coffee and cakes with the captain…? Come with us to the café where we’re blogging from most of the time now when we’re on vacation.

This year the café, Strandskogen (”Beach Forest”) are managed by a very nice Spanish young couple. Cheerful, helpful - quite the […]

The Captains Verses Folk Rocks

July 7th, 2007 at 4:20 pm » Comments (8)

Yesterday evening we went out to listen to the Swedish folkrockband “Patrask” (in english: riffraffs), Gotlands folkrock band #1. Their sound is almost a bit like Irish folkmusic actually, excellent played.
They played much on a major accordion and a kind of Bazouki, a 10-stringed special ordered. The Bazouki came here from Turkey-Greece.
They were playing […]