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Bloggers Paddle Babble

July 26th, 2007 at 8:18 pm » Comments (19)

Are you ready for the bloggers paddle babble…? Are you sure? *giggles*
As you A-Team and A-Swab Team Cruisers know, Tor and Anna came here to visit us at FÃ¥rö a couple of days. I think it will be best if Tor tell you about the adventures on the way over here by himself, butt let […]

Farm Alarm

July 25th, 2007 at 1:32 pm » Comments (9)

Where have we been???
Well, let’s just say that it has been a lot of partying…. *giggles*
…and a lot of problems with the internet connection so I couldn’t post anything at all yesterday because of that.
Since last time you heard from me, we had a BBQ party at the farm or to put it right, it […]

Train Glasses and Disco mix

July 20th, 2007 at 8:53 pm » Comments (11)

So are you curious of what we did yesterday…? Of course you are!
We drove away from our Fårö island over to the island of Gotland, to a place called Roma Kungsgård (Kings manor) where they have a glasshouse and theater.

The theater is hold at The Cloister ruin:

Some of the theater costumes at Roma Kungsgård:

We saw […]