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Paris butt no Hilton

August 7th, 2007 at 8:00 pm » Comments (38)

I’ll start with saying that do you see the sky on that photo? Remember my bad weather curse…? Nice spring weather huh? *giggles*
We did no shopping, “only” sightseeing (and some romance stuff *giggles*) to really see the most of Paris in such short time!!!
Of course, I’ll start with The Eiffel Tower , which is the […]

The Week Peek Of London Eye

August 6th, 2007 at 1:15 pm » Comments (39)

Calling Cyber Cruiser’s to the London port!
…Or maybe I should call it the Thames port? You do have your raincoats with you I hope…? *giggles*
We’ll stay here at this small hotel in a quiet part of London:

The Georgian and Bower House Hotel at St Georges Drive. Very nice and quiet and yet rather close to […]

Photo Hunt Funky Spunky

August 4th, 2007 at 4:30 pm » Comments (33)

Theme: Funky | Blogroll Info | Next week: Row
This photo is taken in the Gents somewhere in Scotland - not by me I swear *giggles* butt of my pervert husband Mr Lifecruiser who found the idea of a threesome urinal with one shorter for midgets and kids very interesting…. *giggles*
Considering the fact that “….something is […]