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The Vanity in Stockholm

August 26th, 2007 at 10:46 am » Comments (19)

♥ Join Green Thumb Sunday ♥
Ready to have a sweaty walk up the steep hill to The Vanity Restaurant & Café…?
The Vanity Restaurant & Café
The Vanity’s arcade cut lime-trees are a very characteristic part of Stockholm’s silhouette. They gave a lovely shade from the sun too, since this was a hot day it was needed. […]

Peace ful blogger of the week

August 23rd, 2007 at 12:46 pm » Comments (9)

[Click on the pic to read my peace post]
Mimi Writes has giving me the honor of being choosen as the peace blogger of the week!!!
Don’t know what it’s all about? Head over and check her blogs out, she is a wonderful writer, doing something wonderful with this blogging for Peace blast AND you’ll have fun […]

Bad day way to not secret island

August 20th, 2007 at 1:38 pm » Comments (22)

So how was it with the secret island? I’ll tell you the story from the beginning…
The bad start of the secret island day
Earlier this week, we did announce that we were taking a boat trip to a secret island. Thursday I posted that Follow Lifecruiser 13 Secret Steps, making you all very curious without […]