Lifecruisers news flash

Cruisers, I’m doing some spring cleaning so we have some changes to the A-Team Cruisers List.

Promoted to A-Team Cruisers

Since they have been such a fun A-Swab Team Cruisers to have with us on the cruise so far, I’ve decided to promote them to A-Team Cruisers.

♥ Warmth welcome as A-Team Cruisers ♥

Claudie (She might change blog soon)
Sword Girl (Former Ocean Lady)

Hop over to them and congratulate :-)

UPDATE: Claudie got her new blog up! Update your link to her: is her new address! We’re having a house warming party over there – so hurry over there and get some champagne while it’s still some left ;-)

Removed A-Team Cruisers

Since the rules is that the A-Team list should consist mostly of active A-Team Cruisers – if there is no special reason for accepting someone anyway – I had to move some of them to the ordinary A-Swab Team Deckroll instead.

If you’re one of those below: don’t despair – you’re always welcome back as A-Team Cruisers again :-)

Moved non-active bloggers:

A penny for them…
Happy And Blue 2
Here, there and back

Moved non-active cyber cruisers:

Go forth & …
Yellow Roses Garden

Remember, you’re only moved from A-Team Cruisers to the A-Swab Team, you’re still on Lifecruisers deckroll :-)

Captain Clean Lifecruiser

NOTE: I might post one more post today, we’ll see if I got the time to do it – it’s Walpurgis Night (Spring Festival) over here in Sweden, so maybe I choose to celebrate that instead…

Lifecruiser lifering

To see my newest bloglayout PUSH F5 button!

Next port: Antwerpen, Belgium, Wednesday (Gattina).

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

Cyber Cruise Calendar 2007
Cyber Cruise Souvenirs

Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise in Technorati

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19 Comments on “Arrivederci A-Team Cruisers”

    Court said:

    I’ve been to your site a few times and was just wondering who the cruisers are. How do I become a cruiser?

    Gattina said:

    What,you are already up ??? What happens to you ? or you cheated and changed the date in Blogger (large grin !) I have heard a lot of Walburgis festivities that must be very nice. I suppose that all Swedes here will celebrate today !

    Claudie said:

    I’m a A-Team Cruisers now!!! Thanks! It’s an honor for me!wouaaa!
    All is ready for the surprise! I’m just waiting the definitiv adress! But I’d like to open the door now!!!

    Maribeth said:

    I’m happy you didn’t remove me. I have been so sick and not able to get on the computer much. Next week is my surgery, so please bear with me a little longer.

    Debbie said:

    Whew! Still on the list. I have been so behind in all my reading and commenting I thought for sure you would make me swab the deck!

    Things have been hectic but I am finally catching up and making time for the things I love to do, so you should see more of me around!

    Our company got bought by Ericsson last week. We are now a Swedish company! I hope hubby has to make a visit to corporate office so I can go along!

    I hope you have a great day and a wonderful week!

    mar said:

    whew, like Debbie!!! :)
    after I posted my yummy lunch today I thought I could have taken everybody along and make it part of the cyber cruise..oh, well, next time.
    Glad Claudie is getting a “real” place, couldn’t reach her blog as it is now. BUT I could visit the Irish Lady after a few days :)

    Lifecruiser said:

    See the answer (even emailed to you) further down in the comments :-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    Ehum…. When I published that post, it was eary morning here yes – but it was beacuse I hadn’t get to bed yet!!!


    We’re hopeless sometimes, never goes to bed!

    I use to change the date in WordPress sometimes with posts, but often i prefer to have to do it myself. I always seem to have to adjust it in any way afterwards…. *lol*

    Lifecruiser said:

    We’re sooo worth it with all your enthusiasm Claudie – and now you’re making us very very curious :-D

    Lifecruiser said:

    I’ll not remove any one that fast from the A-Team – especially not when you have been a good host in a port on the cruise :-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    As I said to Maribeth:

    I’ll not remove any one that fast from the A-Team – especially not when you have been a good host in a port on the cruise :-)

    How interesting with the company buy! I hope you’ll get to Sweden and it’s not when we’re away so we can meet and do some seightseeing together in real life!

    Lifecruiser said:

    As I said to Maribeth:

    I’ll not remove any one that fast from the A-Team – especially not when you have been a good host in a port on the cruise :-)

    Yes, isn’t it nice with Claudies new blog she is getting? And she make me soooo curious!!! *lol*

    Lifecruiser said:

    You’re most welcome to joyn us Court :-)

    Read more about HOW TO in Cruiser Grades.

    Who the cruisers are you can see in my sidebar under A-Team Cruisers resp. A-Swab Team blogroll.

    Note that in the A-Swab Team there is a lot of inactive cruisers though. I have to clean that up too soon.

    Feel free to ask if it still is something that is unclear to you!

    I’m looking forward to see more of you :-)

    Vin said:

    I’ve added you to my faves.

    Here’s my Technorati faves link :

    Add Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta to your Technorati Favourites


    Sword Girl said:

    Wahhooo! Yes! I’m so excited! Here is some Palmetto Beer from Charleston and some pralines. :D

    Claudie said:

    I’ve the pleasure to invite you all in my new cabin!
    First class, near the bar and the lifercruisermusic band:
    My capt’ain you can cut the ribbon and open the door!
    Have all a beautiful moment!

    RennyBA said:

    Glad I survived your spring cleaning;-)
    I’ve been to Claudies – I was the first commenter you know!
    Off to our new A-Team cruisers!
    Wish you the loveliest Spring Festival!
    Do I see you in a 1st of May parade tomorrow?

    Lifecruiser said:

    Oh, not very likely to find me in the 1st of May parade – maybe in the elderly home in that case, because I’m visiting my Mom tomorrow ;-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    Oh, clever cruiser youare that know how to bribe the Captain ;-)

    *slurping and chewing at the same time*

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