Archive for September, 2011

Travel Photo: Creeping into door

September 15th, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (1)

We have taken so many photos of houses or door details during our trips, as some of our regular blog friends have experienced when meeting us… There were something with this cut view of the old door, that did catch my photo eye at once. It was not as interesting as the double door for [...]

Travel Photo: 3 Color Door View

September 14th, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (0)

Even though not all old cottages I spot during our trips look like fairytale cottages, they still manage to catch my interest in different ways. My travel photo eye got caught by the different color fields in this Swedish island view. The stone steps below the door seem to be worn out completely. Very charming [...]

Travel Photo: Old Cottage Entrance

September 13th, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (7)

We love to find old fishing villages at our roadtrips. The fishing cottages always are so authentic and offering so much personality. This fishing cottage really is different from everything else we have spotted. Almost like a scene from a fairytale – I’m awaiting the witch or a troll to step out from the door… [...]