Archive for September, 2011

Travel Photo: Fairytale Cottage

September 3rd, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (3)

Every summer when passing this old fairytale like cottage at our summer island Gotland I have tried to take a photo while passing by in the car, not succeeding until this summer. Even though it is not the absolute favorite of my travel photos, it is my favorite cottage at Gotland so far. A summer [...]

Travel Photo: Spotting Rowan

September 2nd, 2011 at 3:40 pm » Comments (2)

Unfortunately not Rowan Atkinson, my favorite comedian… He always make me laugh whatever mood I am in before. No, this time it is Rowan berries I am talking about. A few times before have we spotted Rowanberries at our summer island, but this summer we spotted them very early in August – and there were [...]

Travel Photo: Last Summer Beer

September 1st, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (2)

This travel photo represent our very last beer for summer at our summer island. Why? Because the Swedish summer is over unfortunately… Yep, this was our last beer. Unless you decide to buy us another last summer beer…. Lifecruiser ♥ Beer Photos