Archive for July, 2011

Abandoned Boat With No Coat

July 31st, 2011 at 8:43 pm » Comments (5)

I always find it so sad with abandoned boats, wondering what story is behind it. So also with this boat we found at Fårö island at the northern tip of Gotland island at the east coast of Sweden. Left in the nature. Alone for ever…? Make me wanna turn it around and look for some [...]

Vintage Still Photo Equipment

July 30th, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (1)

We were out on a short road trip at Gotland island when we found a lot of interesting vintage photo equipment in a flea market store. This Cinelarger were used to allow users to create single frame still blowups of home movies. A very interesting profile, don’t you think…? At first sight I almost thought [...]

Travel Photo: Fishing Net Set

July 29th, 2011 at 9:00 pm » Comments (3)

This year the fishing nets are hanging on the garage door most of the time. The farmer has not got his boat in the Baltic Sea and need to go out with others in case of any fishing. The fishing nets are very colorful in themselves, but also the painted garage door. Seems like he [...]