Archive for June, 2011

Where to find late holiday deals

June 11th, 2011 at 10:45 pm » Comments (4)

There are a jungle of online travel sites to find late holiday deals from, so it is easy to get stuck in an undecidable mood, not being able to sort them out. We will give a few tips of where we find them and how. First of all, there are travel agency sites and there [...]

World Heritage: Iguazu Falls, South America

June 10th, 2011 at 12:13 am » Comments (11)

Declared World Heritage in 1984, Iguazu National Park covers about 67.000 hectares of subtropical rain forest, but the most popular attraction there are the gorgeous Iguazu waterfalls. A truly unbeatable and must attraction to see for any traveler. Cataratas del Iguazu in Iguazu National Park, from the Brazil side, South America. Photo taken in the [...]

Why getting organised for your holiday will save you money

June 8th, 2011 at 2:04 pm » Comments (2)

With a long-awaited holiday on the horizon, it’s easy to let your excitement get the better of you. There are certain holiday essentials that can easily get overlooked as you get swept up in thoughts of lazy days on the beach or culture-filled walks around the city, so be sure to make yourself a checklist [...]