Archive for July, 2009

Birthday BBQ Party at the Farm

July 20th, 2009 at 10:25 am » Comments (10)

Last Friday evening we had a Birthday BBQ Party here at the farm - for a special reason: to celebrate Jane’s (25th) an Kari’s (28th) birthdays - as every year.
The reason why we did choose to have it on Friday was because of the weather reports - and the fact that Kari and her parents [...]

Windmill Thrill

July 19th, 2009 at 1:29 pm » Comments (6)

Fårö island, where we are right now, has a lot of wonderful old windmills. This one in the photo above is the first sight you get when you get off the 6 minutes ferry ride from Fårösund at Gotland island to Broa at Fårö island.
I think that you can rent some of them as a [...]

Sunset at Ekeviken, Faro Island

July 17th, 2009 at 3:41 pm » Comments (10)

One of the first evenings when we arrived at our summer paradise this year, we went to Ekeviken in the north of Fårö island where we could watch a beautiful sunset - even though it’s not the most beautiful one we have seen here.

That’s the best part of being on an island - there is [...]