
15 Travel consumers rights helpful links

15 Travel Consumer Rights Links to useful information for the traveler. This is just some of the most helpful links.

  1. Flyers Rights Organisation
  2. Consumers Affairs, Travel
  3. Consumer Flyrights US
  4. Aviation Consumer Protection US
  5. Consumer Law US
  6. Consumer Europe
  7. Problems with airline travel within EU
  8. List of banned airlines within EU
  9. EU’s Air portal
  10. Passengers right within EU
  11. EU’s Consumers Affairs site
  12. Complaint Guide for purchases in Europe
  13. Information about timeshares problem
  14. EU to extend holiday travel protection
  15. European Consumer Centers

LifecruiserTravel Consumers

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Comments on 15 Travel consumers rights helpful links

  • 1
    DianeCA SWEDEN said:

    Good info! But of course I hope I never need them. Glad I was flying last weekend and not this one!!!

  • 2

    Excellent info. Shame we even have to worry about this stuff, but it is important to have when you need it, right?

  • 3

    Hey, thanks for running this blog, its really a good read for me at work :) !

  • 4
    Vagabonde UNITED STATES said:

    These are very useful links. Thanks for posting them.

  • 5
    TorAa said:

    Yeah, we know:

    Sölvi should have been to Düsseldorf visiting Ingelin and Co last weekend. We picked up Stompa, her Cat last Wednesday,; adress: Askeveien. Can you believe it?

    Maria was expected to go to London.

    Renny and I should have been i Bodö the weekend to come.

    Ingelin have planned to come to Oslo also the Weekend to come.

    We are all affected.
    More or less.

    Pls join the Nordic ABC:

  • 6

    This is a good info! Now, time to read all of it

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