
1. Yesterday were a day with SUN. Yes, it’s true, even though it was a bit chilly, still no beach weather which is very unusual for FÃ¥rö and Gotland. We took the ferry from FÃ¥rö over to Gotland, to drive out to the west coast.


2. We wanted to sit for a while by the Sea, so we did, butt I can tell you that we had to force ourselves since it was enough cold to actually need thicker clothes!!!!


3. Very characteristic for Gotland is the Poppy fields. Is there anything more beautiful?


4. The meaning was to drive down to Visby, since Mr Lifecruisers mobile phone has refused to charge the batterys any more – it’s only 6 months old and already broken…. Though we didn’t manage to get there in time before the last store closed, we went to 2 stores that couldn’t help us… So we must go down there soon again.

This is the third bad thing that happens to Mr L since we went on vacation. The first thing was the broken glasses, the second one was that he managed to get red paint on the back of his new jacket at Sylvis Döttrars newly painted chairs… He went back there to talk to Lisa and it was no problem, they” try to clean it or otherwise they’ll compensate him for it.

We had just a short time in Visby going to the phone stores, so we’ll go down another time doing someshopping or at least shop browsing time. And eating.

Characteristic for Visby (small medevial town) and Gotland is also the red roses at the house walls.


5. There are sooo many different and cute house styles in the whole Gotland, not only in Visby. I could go around in Visby for days just looking at the old houses and ruins!


6. A very old, butt also very popular coffee place at one of the streets in Visby.


7. Just one of the streets in Visby.


8. We stopped at a place at the west coast at Gotland to eat something and when standing at the counter, suddenly I felt two hands over my eyes! It was my sister Susan! She and my other sister Anne and her husband Gert and daughter Diana had by coincidence stopped there too!

They rent a cottage more in the edge of the wood at the Sea at the west-north coast of Gotland, as they have earlier years too, so we had planned for a meeting later on anyway. Such a coincidence huh?

My lunch, french potato salad (as they called it) and ham at Ihregården at the west coast of Gotland.


9. One of the rooms at Ihregården with old style.


10. An old painting at Ihregården.


11. Another view of Ihregården.


12. We ended the evening by stopping at their cottage efter the Visby visit, to drink some coffee and have a chat. We did get lucky, because their daughter baked a pineapple pie for us during the time we were in Visby! Yummy!

As usual, I never remeber to take any photos before it was eaten… I’m hopeless! I just throw myself over the food! *giggles*

We did get delicious drinks too…

B 117

13. They offered us a very nice sunset over there, sitting on the porch and enjoying that and the nice warmth from the infra heater. We had to phone and order the ferry to go over to Fårö at 00:30. It stops at 00:00 normally.


When arriving home, our nearest neighbour of the renters at the farm, were awake so we sat out and drank some wine for several hours in the nigth, not getting to bed until after the sunrise.

That’s part of the reason for being late with this post. The other reason is that it has been very much difficulties with the internet connection.

See all our photos from Fårö July 2007 here. Or as a Fårö slideshow here.

Captain Sun Lifecruiser

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36 Comments on “13 Vacation views wows”

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    Visby looks charming and that salad! Oh I would love that!!!

    RennyBA said:

    What a lovely new guided tour in your summer paradise – thanks for sharing!

    Glad you finely have seen the sun – we’ve seen the sun (once in a while) in Mariestad today too. It’s a bit odd though and as you say you even need (warm) cloths – like you: I’m not used to that at this time of the year ;-)

    Pineapple pie sounds great, but no proof? LoL

    I know you’ve had a great day and got the right Scandinavian spirit when you wait to go to bed until after the sun rise:-)

    Thanks for plugging me – yea, Tor, me and our wife really have a good time together. Tor will have his post from todays adventures up soon!

    eve said:

    Wow, that is beautiful! I want to go on vacation somewhere like that one day!

    GreenGrassGrows UNITED STATES said:

    Love your list. Beautiful photos! Happy TT!

    doris said:

    I adore your photos and commentary. Being a travel freak myself, these are details I take note of when I travel and visit someplace new. Nice photos.

    Simonne ROMANIA said:

    This looks like a great vacation. I can’t wait to take one too! And your photos are very beautiful.


    That sunset is so glorious!!! I’m so happy for you that the Sun came out!!! :D

    Now, I am craving an upside-down pineapple cake. YUM! :D

    Nancy Liedel UNITED STATES said:

    Wow! I love the photos!!!!

    Sword Girl » Blog Archive » Ultimate PaPa Quiz? said:

    [...] Captain Sun Lifecruiser! [...]

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    Are there any leftovers (Pie??? The drinks??? Especially the drinks??? Well, I´m talking to the Captain. I bet there´s not a single drop left *LOL*)

    The pictures are gorgeous! Thinking of you and our meet & greeting fellow cyber cruisers =)

    Have fun ya all!

    TorAa said:

    how can I express this: This TT, I followed the stream – the Photo TT. That’s exciting. (first time ever ..)

    Do not be chocked when I tell you, we are like babies when thinking about meeting you at your paradise.

    Can you have a jolly good time with yout surprise guests?

    It’s late. We have had your regular 40 Q’s and ten easy.
    Guess who won?

    We are mid between you and our hometown, just now.

    Butt, the weekend that follow we will sit in the same canoe- hurray. What a picture that would be. World sensation.

    3 am – I do think it’s about time to have a sleep..

    PS. I’ll bring my NMT450 wireless – to connect

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    A nice sightseeing of the North, which is totally unknown to me (except pictures of course) It’s a shame with the weather this year but they announced 30° for the week end ! (I think it’s first of April) so it also will arrive to you ! Watch over Mr. L today it’s Friday 13 and with all the bad things which already happened to him pay attention that he doesn’t crosses a black cat or walks und a ladder !

    Casablanca travel PHILIPPINES said:

    How’s the food in the west coast at Gotland? What meal did you have?

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Nice you have a better weather now! Always beautiful pics! i love this with your shadow on the roc! Poor Mr Lifecruiser! Here we say : “Jamais deux sans trois!” Never two without trhee! The third thing arriving ( with his phone), now you could be quiet!
    I met Mar in Marseille yesterday! I t was a beautiful moment!

    Kasia said:

    I just love these photos. :) The windmill is stunning. And it seems you are having a fine weather. I envy you. It is so cold and rainy in Poland!! I hate it.
    Have a good time and breathe in the energy this island is giving you. :) You will need this energy in winter. :)

    Thomas said:

    wow… I am getting holidayfeelings! ;-)

    lazaza83 » Mar/Marseille/Massalia! said:

    [...] and of course with the Captain in Farö and Gotland! [...]

    Horia ROMANIA said:

    These are some really lovely photos, great places, colors and why not a really talented photographer. I was wondering what camera do you use because they do have a professional feel?

    Tiffany said:

    those are some beautiful pictures forsure!

    Tricia CANADA said:

    Gorgeous photos! I particularly like the last two. Just lovely. Looks like you are having a fantastic vacation!

    chase said:

    That is a lovely tour and with matching beautiful pictures. I was ooohing and wowing looking at them. Btw I love the new header! Provocative and very sexy!

    PhotoReading UNITED STATES said:

    Great photos, I particularly like the second one — that’s a beautiful landscape and the placement of the horizon is perfect.

    sandossu ROMANIA said:

    The third picture is great, i love it. Where is it taken ?

    bharadwaj AUSTRALIA said:


    Amazing shots.
    I particularly like the first and the last ones.
    The last one can well be used as a desktop wallpaper.

    I have a small suggestion, or call it a request.

    You could avoid nude pics on the header. Not bad!

    My manager peeped in just in when the page loaded and he gave me a cold stare..

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    The weather seems to be much better, because we don’t hear anymore from you ! Here too it’s very nice for once the weatherforecast was right. But it’s crazy thursday we had 13° and the next day 26° !

    Nicole UNITED STATES said:

    Wow that scenery is simply gorgeous. I love how it makes you feel like you could just walk right into the pictures.
    Great TT!

    Lifecruiser said:

    Horia, we’ve used 3 cameras actually. One cellphone, Nokia N73, one Olympus Camedia C765 and one Canon Powershot S5 IS.

    I should mention that we take LOTS of photos just to get one good one :-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    Sorry to hear that you were caught by your manager.

    Thanks for the request, but I’m sorry, since it is a drawn picture and not a photo I think it’s called art and don’t find it offending in any way, so I’m going to keep it.

    Sorry about that and I hope that you still will find your way back here :-) .

    Though the top picture is actually 1 of 4 random top pictures, so it won’t be nude all the time :-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    That day we just had the salad.

    Lifecruiser said:

    We’re sooooo looking forward meeting you and Anna Tor!!! We’ll have a blast! Maybe we’ll need the canoe for the bubblewater flooding :-)

    Lifecruiser said:

    Thanks Chase, I love it too! Actually it’s 4 random top pictures, so if you click at the top picture you’ll change betwen them. Just give it a try :-)

    Charterresor Flyg INDIA said:

    By viewing Photos its self says that your vocation is very much successful, I am very much please to see the photos they are wonderful,i feel to plan a vocation this summer,Thank you for sharing your happiness to all.

    Ev Nucci UNITED STATES said:

    Those shots are amazing Captain. Incredible. You make me feel like I am right there. How the heck did you do the sunset shot. I’ve tried to take so many of those and yours is just FABULOUS! But of course I don’t know how to operate my F stop so that may be the problem….

    Ev Nucci UNITED STATES said:

    The picture you took in the view of IhregÃ¥rden is gorgeous…I love it! And the streets of You make me really want to go there!

    Sarakastic said:

    You have quite the artistic eye, there is no way that I would be able to stay away from that salad long enough to take a picture of it!

    Mathew UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Some outstanding images there, well done!

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